Status and events

The custom resource (CR) objects contain helpful information which can be retrieved by entering the oc describe command. For each object, a Status attribute provides the last observed state of the resource. In the retrieved information, a log of recent Events pertaining to the resource is also shown. This information can be helpful to check the desired state of the resource or when debugging with the IBM Storage Scale container native cluster. For more information, see Application Introspection and Debugging in Kubernetes documentation.

The oc describe <CR> -n ibm-spectrum-scale command is used to view the status and events of the custom resources, such as cluster, daemon, filesystem, remotecluster, callhome and others.

The Status can be seen in the Conditions section:

$ oc describe callhome.scale -n ibm-spectrum-scale
    Last Transition Time:  2021-08-31T12:54:05Z
    Message:               Callhome is enabled.
    Reason:                Enabled
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Enabled
    Last Transition Time:  2021-08-31T12:54:07Z
    Message:               Successfully tested connection to the IBM Callhome Server.
    Reason:                TestPassed
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Success
  Mode:                    test

A Condition has the following fields:

The Events section of oc describe output lists the Events:

$ oc describe callhome.scale -n ibm-spectrum-scale
  Type    Reason      Age   From      Message
  ----    ------      ----  ----      -------
  Normal  NodeUpdate  44m   Callhome  Callhome was enabled on 0 nodes before, but now it's enabled on all 5 nodes.
  Normal  Configured  44m   Callhome  Successfully updated callhome configuration. Customer=IBM, CustomerID=123456,, Country=DE, Type=test
  Normal  Enabled     44m   Callhome  Callhome has been enabled.

Enter the oc get crd | grep ibm command to see a full list of CRs that can be checked for status and events with the oc describe command.