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Upgrading IBM Storage Scale container native

The following section describes how to upgrade the IBM Storage Scale container native cluster.

While an upgrade is in progress, do not perform the following:

During an upgrade, the IBM Storage Scale operator orchestrates the upgrade procedure in a rolling node-by-node fashion. Each node will be:

After the node is schedulable, IBM Storage Scale and IBM Storage Scale Container Storage Interface (CSI) pods will start. Applications may fail to attach storage until the system is started.


Upgrade steps

Complete the following steps to upgrade:

Before beginning the upgrade to IBM Storage Scale container native from v5.1.7.0, the level of Red Hat OpenShift installed must not exceed 4.12.

  1. Stop the running operator pod by setting the replicas in the deployment to 0.

    oc scale deployment ibm-spectrum-scale-controller-manager -n ibm-spectrum-scale-operator --replicas=0
  2. Delete the old security context constraint.

    oc delete scc ibm-spectrum-scale-privileged
  3. Delete the old role binding for privilege.

    oc delete rolebinding -n ibm-spectrum-scale ibm-spectrum-scale-privileged --ignore-not-found
  4. Delete the MutatingWebhookConfiguration and ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. These will be created in later steps.

    oc delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration ibm-spectrum-scale-mutating-webhook-configuration
    oc delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration ibm-spectrum-scale-validating-webhook-configuration
  5. Apply the new manifests.

    oc apply -f


When the new IBM Storage Scale container native operator is deployed, the upgrade process begins. It takes some time to complete as the new code is rolled out into the cluster.

You can check the progress of pod restarts and node reboots by looking at information provided in the Daemon CR under .status.statusDetails. Query the Daemon CR using the following command: oc describe daemon -n ibm-spectrum-scale.

Code version updated

The version details will be listed under .status.versions in the Daemon CR and will be updated as the pods roll. The following command will show the versions that core pods currently have on them. Wait until all the pods are reporting the same new version.

oc get daemon -n ibm-spectrum-scale -ojson  | jq -r .items[].status.versions