Job status

To view the results of a job:

  1. Click the status link in a notification message. The Login page for the server opens.
  2. Enter your login name and password. Click Login. The Job Status page opens.

Jobs status view displays the processing status details of a job, including the information about the status of all job steps in the job. Using the view, you can display the job log, the logs of individual job steps, as well as the generated output.

Name. The repository path of the job.

Version. The version label of the job.

Status. The processing status of the job, such as Running, Succeeded, or Failed.

Start Date. The date and time the job processing started.

Run Time. The duration of job execution.

User. The user who submitted the job.

  • To refresh the status of the job, click Refresh.
  • To expand the details for the job, which include job log and job steps, click + next to the job name.
  • To display the job log, click Log link under the job name. The Log tab opens. To close the tab, click Close.
  • To expand the details for a job step, which include job step log and any resulting output, click + next to the job step name.

    The following information is presented for a job step:

    Name. The name of the job step.

    Status. The processing status of the job step, such as Running, Succeeded, or Failed.

    Start Date. The date and time the job step processing started.

    Run Time. The duration of job step execution.

  • To display the job step log, click Log link under the job step name. The job step log opens on a new tab. To close the tab, click Close.
  • To display job step output, click the output file name. The Results tab opens. To close the tab, click Close.