Search criteria

The search criterion defines the conditions that must be met for an object to be returned by a search query. The criterion consists of a search type and an optional object type. The search type is either parsed string or structured.

A parsed string search consists of a list of terms for which to search. The service parses the string into individual search terms. If any term matches the content of any field for an object, the object is considered a hit and is returned by the service.

In contrast to a string search, a structured search looks for matches using specific object fields. The search request specifies one or more conditions that the object fields must match to be considered a hit. The request defines whether objects classified as hits must match all the conditions, or if matching any suffices. See the topic Structured searches for more information.

For both types of search, the object (or component) type serves as a filtering criterion, limiting the search to specific categories of objects. Available types include the following:

Searches can also be limited to specific file types using a MIME type filter. For example, to limit a search to IBM® SPSS® Statistics syntax files, include a MIME type filter with a value of application/x-vnd.spss-spss-syntax in the search request.

The search criterion can also define a language to search within. Fields being searched include an optional language characteristic, associating the field value with a language designation. If the criterion specifies a language, the search includes only fields where the optional language characteristic is the specified value or null.