Backing up and restoring the user data

You might want to restore an earlier environment state if the environment crashes or has errors, move environments to different systems (both real and virtual), or stand up a test environment ready for testing. To address any of these needs, you can back up and restore Rational® Test Automation Server user data.

Before you begin

  • You must have the proper permissions. The permissions required are the same as the user needs for installing and uninstalling the software.
  • Any user data must be saved before you shutdown Rational Test Automation Server.
  • You must have communicated to the users that the system will be unavailable for sometime until the process is complete.

About this task

As an administrator, you can back up and restore Rational Test Automation Server user data by using Linux command scripts. You can run Linux commands by adding a Bash shell on Windows 10.

  • If you set up a new test environment on a new system or move an existing test environment to a different system, you probably want to back up and restore the data. Follow the steps in this procedure to back up the data and then follow the steps in Installing the software on Windows or Installing the software on Linux to restore that data when you install the software on a new or different system.
  • When you restore user data, it is restored to the backed-up version. You lose all data that was created since the backup was taken.
  • The stand-alone installer provides the backup and restore options during installation and uninstallation respectively. To back up the data at regular intervals and restore the backed-up data later, you can perform the steps given in the following procedure.


Backing up the user data

  1. Open a terminal window and change to the directory where you installed Rational Test Automation Server.
  2. Run to shut down Rational Test Automation Server.
  3. Run to start the backup process.
    Note: When you run the backup scripts, by default, the backup name includes a timestamp in it. If you want to provide a new name, run the backup script with the new name. For example, ./ my-backup.tar.gz.
  4. Copy the backup snapshot file to a safe place that is outside the installation directory.
  5. Run to start Rational Test Automation Server.

Restoring the user data

  1. Change to the directory where you installed Rational Test Automation Server.
  2. Run to shut down the Rational Test Automation Server.
  3. Run <path of the backup snapshot file> to start the restore process.
  4. On a successful restore, run <fully qualified host name>.
  5. Run to start Rational Test Automation Server.
