Adding elements to a Segment

In the -CE Lines tab, you can add Data Element calls and other lines such as group Data Elements, Segments, or fillers. You can easily change the order of the call lines, create new call lines in the table, and modify the values for each element.


  • You can add a Data Element call.
    1. If the table is empty, click Add Data Element or select this action in the contextual menu of the table. If the table is not empty, set your cursor where you want to insert a Data Element call line. The Data Element entry is sequential. To create a first Data Element line in a defined group, click the group line. You can also click in the group where the Data Element call line must be added. Then, click Add Data Element.
    2. The dialog box that opens displays the list of the available Data Elements. If the list is large, you can reduce it by entering a string that is used as filter. The filter applies to the name or the label of the instance.
      • You can select an instance and press OK.
      • You can create a Data Element. To open the creation wizard, click New Data Element . When the Data Element is created, it is added to the list of Data Elements in the primary window. Select it and press OK.

      You can also call a Data Element directly from the Name column of the table.

      Two methods are possible:
      • Place the cursor in the column and enter the name directly. To make the input easier, you can open a content assist wizard by clicking Ctrl and the space bar simultaneously. If you start entering a name, the content assist displays the instances that start with this input. If you enter the name of an instance that does not exist and if you validate, the input is discarded.
      • Click the button that appears when you set your cursor in the column. In the selection wizard that opens, select an instance.
      The new call is added to the table. You must then indicate its characteristics.
  • You can add an undefined Data Element call.

    You can create call lines for Data Elements that are not defined in the location, only if they do not have a real functional meaning (such as group Data Elements or fillers). The name and format, or only the format of undefined Data Elements must be indicated at the Segment or Table level.

    1. If the table is empty, click Add Undefined Data. Otherwise, set your cursor where you want to insert a new Data Element call line.
    2. A Data Element line is inserted in the table. The Data Element icon with the Error symbol warns you that the Data Element must be defined. The Data Element definition must be completed in the Undefined Data Element section or directly in the dedicated column cells in the table to resolve the error. You must give at least a name, label, and internal format to define a Data Element at the Segment or Table level.
  • You can add a group call.

    You can call a group of elementary Data Elements. There can be up to 99 elementary Data Elements, on nine different levels maximum. A group can include other groups. A group can also include one or more Segments. Each Segment call is then considered as an elementary Data Element.

    1. If the table is empty, click Add group or select this action in the contextual menu of the table. If it is not empty, set your cursor where you want to insert a new Data Element call line.
    2. A group is added to the table. Complete the editable column cells or the input fields in the Group Definition section.
  • You can add a filler call.

    Fillers are not defined in the Location. They are used as alignment fields, and do not contain any information. Therefore, they are characterized only by their format.

    1. If your table is empty, click Add filler. Otherwise, set your cursor where you want to insert a filler call line. The element input is sequential.
    2. A filler call line identified by the default value of its format is added to the table. You can modify the format and other call characteristics in the table or in the Filler Definition section.
  • You can add a Segment call.
    1. If the table is empty, click Add Segment. If it is not empty, set your cursor where you want to insert a Segment call line. The element input is sequential.
    2. The dialog box that opens displays the list of the available Segments.
      • You can select one of them and press OK.
      • You can create a Segment. To open the creation wizard, click New Segment . When the Segment is created, it is added to the list of Segments in the primary window. Select it and press OK.

      You can also call a Segment directly from the Name column of the table.

      Two methods are possible:
      • Place the cursor in the column and enter the name directly. To make the input easier, you can open a content assist wizard by clicking Ctrl and the space bar simultaneously. If you start entering a name, the content assist displays the instances that start with this input. If you enter the name of an instance that does not exist and if you validate, the input is discarded.
      • Click the button that appears when you set your cursor in the column. In the selection wizard that opens, select an instance.
      The new call is added to the table. You must then indicate its characteristics.
  • You can also complete the following actions in the table:
    • You can remove a call line from the table. Select it and click Remove.
      The following options are available to remove a group:
      • If you select a group line only and click Remove, a dialog box is displayed. You can then choose whether you want to remove the group and all its components. If you click Yes, you remove the group and all its components. If you click No, you remove the group only and all its components are moved up one level.
      • If you select multiple lines that include at least one group line and click Remove, all the selected lines are deleted. The group and all its components are removed.
    • You can change the order in the table with the buttons or the contextual menu.
    • You can copy one or more lines and paste them after the selection. Right-click the selection to display the menu. Only elements or groups with the same level of indentation can be copied and pasted.
    • You can create Sets of Redefines for a Data Element call for example. To do so, click a Data Element to be redefined and select the Redefines option in the Data Element call section. A Set of Redefines line is created. It contains the redefined Data Element and the preceding Data Element with the same level in the tree structure. You must then define the Occurs option in the Set of Redefines section that is displayed when you click the Set of Redefines line call. Redefines are also possible for Segment calls, groups, and fillers.

What to do next

After you have added element calls or modified the element calls in the table, you must enter their characteristics and the attributes of the associated Logical View. It can be done directly from the table or from the definition section of each call type. To open a definition section, you must click a call line in the table.
Note: You can click the buttons in the definition sections to access more specifications: