Managing tenants

Learn how to create, edit, suspend, and delete tenants in the Tenants interface on IBM RPA Control Center.

Before you begin

Your user needs permission to manage tenants. The default role that has this permission is the Platform administrator role.
See the Checking user permissions topic to learn how to check your user permissions.

Creating a tenant

Starting from IBM RPA on premises 23.0.8, you can assign custom Identity providers for user authentication to tenants created from this version onwards. Create the identity provider on your platform before creating the tenant, for more information see Identity Providers.

Tenants created on versions 23.0.3 and 23.0.4 had FIPS compliance enabled by default. Starting from IBM RPA 23.0.5, new tenants no longer have FIPS compliance enabled by default, you can enable it when you create a new tenant:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. In the Administer menu, click the Tenants > Tenants tab.
  3. Click the Create tenant button.
  4. In Name, enter the name of the tenant.
  5. In Owner Name, enter the name of the tenant owner.
  6. In Owner Email, enter the email address of the tenant owner.
  7. In Identity Provider, select the custom identity provider that is going to be used by the tenant.
  8. Optional: In Owner language preference, select the preferred language.
  9. Optional: Select the Approved checkbox to approve the tenant.
  10. Optional: Select the Enable FIPS checkbox to enable FIPS compliance.
  11. Click Create.
Note:Step 7 does not show up if you have not configured at least one custom identity provider in the IBM RPA Control Center.
🛈 Remember:
  • Tenant owners receive an email to confirm their email address and define the password if using the Local Identity Provider.
  • Tenant owner accounts receive the Tenant Administrator role.

Editing a tenant

Complete the following steps to edit a tenant:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. In the Administer menu, click the Tenants > Tenants tab.
  3. Search for the tenant that you want to edit.
  4. Click vertical ellipsis button ⋮ > Edit.
  5. In Name, edit the name of the tenant.
  6. Optional: Select the Approved checkbox to approve the tenant.
  7. Click Save.

Suspending a tenant

The deactivation of a tenant put it in suspended mode. It means that IBM RPA saves the data from suspended tenants, so you can reactivate them later.

Complete the following steps to suspend a tenant:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.

  2. In the Administer menu, click the Tenants > Tenants tab.

  3. Search for the tenant to suspend.

  4. Click vertical ellipsis button ⋮ > Suspend.

    Note:In older versions, you see the Deactivate label instead of Suspend.
  5. In the modal, click Suspend to confirm.

As a result, you can see the Suspended status for the deactivated tenant. The status label is available starting from IBM RPA 23.0.4.

Deleting a tenant

Starting from IBM RPA 23.0.4, you can delete suspended tenants from your platform. The process to delete suspended tenants involves some steps to ensure that all data that is associated with the tenant is securely and permanently erased from the platform. So, it might take some time to complete depending on the size of the tenant. The tenant receives the Deleting status while in process of deletion.

You must suspend the tenant before you follow the steps to delete it:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. In the Administer menu, click the Tenants > Tenants tab.
  3. Set Suspended only to On.
  4. Search for the tenant to delete.
  5. Click vertical ellipsis button ⋮ > Delete.
  6. Confirm the deletion in the following modal.

⚠ Attention: The tenant deletion is an irreversible action. All data that is associated with the tenant is permanently removed and after the deletion, you won't be able to see and retrieve any information that is related to the tenant.