Managing roles

Roles define a group of permissions. Permissions might be grouped in permission sets that you can use to specify which permissions a team or user needs to have. Learn more about how to create, view, edit, and delete roles in IBM RPA.

About this task

For the current version, you have new predefined roles and you can also create custom roles. You might see the tags "System role" and "Obsolete" indicating the origin of the role.

System role: System role tags are the defalt roles in the system. System roles cannot be edited or removed.

Obsolete: Obsolete role tags are obsolete roles from the previous version of IBM RPA. These roles are available to you when you migrate from a previous version of IBM RPA. You only can remove users from these roles.

This procedure shows how to create, view, edit, and remove a role:

Before you begin

The user must have Tenant Adminstrator role permissions. For more information about roles and permissions, see Planning your environment to manage users.

Procedure for creating roles

Creating a role

  1. From the Access menu, click the Roles tab.
  2. Click the Create role button.
  3. On the Name field, enter the role's name.
  4. Optional: On the Description field, enter the role description.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Optional: Select a predefined role to use as template from the list.
  7. Optional: Expand the permission group to select the permissions you want to assign to a role.
  8. Review the summary from the role details and permissions.
  9. Click Create.

Procedure for managing role's permissions

Viewing role's permissions

From the Access menu, click the Roles tab. Then, click the role that you want to edit or view the data.

Editing permissions

  1. Click Edit permissions button.
  2. Expand the permission group to select the permissions you want to assign to a role.
  3. Select the Warning checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
Important:Any changes that you do in the role affect any user or group assigned to the role.

Procedure for managing role's users

Viewing role's users

From the Access menu, click the Users tab. Then, click the user that you want to edit or view the data.

Adding a new user

To add new user to a role, follow the procedures to add or edit a user. For more information, see Procedure for managing user's roles.

Removing role's user

From the Users tab, click the subtract icon Removing team on the user you want to remove.

If you remove a user from a role, the user no longer has the same access permissions. It might impact the user ability to work. Notice that any other roles applied to user are impacted by this change.

Procedure for editing role's details

Editing role details

  1. From the Access menu, click the Role tab.
  2. Click the role that you want to edit or view the data.
  3. On the Details tab, click the pencil pencil to edit user's details icon.
  4. Edit the role name and description.
  5. Click Save.

Procedure for deleting an existing role

  1. From the Access menu, click the Role tab.
  2. Click the role that you want to edit or view the data.
  3. On the Details tab from the Danger zone section, click Delete.
  4. Click Delete.
  • Predefined roles cannot be edited or removed. If you need a different selection of permissions, create a new role.
  • Deleting a team permanently delete the team. This action cannot be undone.