Prerequisites to install the server

This section covers the requirements for hardware and system, network, product, and any other requirements that you must meet prior to installing IBM RPA on premises server.

Detailed system requirements

To ensure a successful installation of IBM RPA, it is important to review and comply with the detailed system requirements report. This report provides information on the necessary operational systems, hardware, software, and any other requirements that are needed to install IBM RPA.

Complete the following steps to review the detailed system requirements:

  1. Go to Detailed system requirements for a specific product 🡥.
  2. On the Full or partial product name field, enter IBM Robotic Process Automation and click the magnifying glass.
  3. From the Search results list, choose the offering:
    1. If IBM RPA on premises, select IBM Robotic Process Automation.
    2. If IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform, select IBM Robotic Process Automation.
    3. If IBM RPA SaaS, select IBM Robotic Process Automation as a Service.
  4. From the Version list, select a version.
  5. Optional: You can customize the report by expanding the accordion items and selecting the items you want to see. By default, all options are selected.
  6. Click Submit.

A new window opens, loading the detailed system requirements report. For each requirement, check if it applies to the Server component.

System prerequisites

Optional: System restore point

Configure your Windows™ environment to create restore points at regular intervals, or create it manually at any time. It can help you undo changes to a previous state by using the data from a restore point. For more information, see Use System Restore 🡥.

Storage prerequisites

In addition to the minimum of free disk space for the Address, Automation, Knowledge, and Wordnet databases that are detailed in the detailed system requirements report, provide free disk space for the following databases:

  • 16 MB to initialize the Audit database
  • 16 MB to initialize the UMS database
  • SQL Server® services must not be set to start with the Automatic (Delayed Start) startup option on Windows™.
  • The Automation database grows according to its use.
  • The minimal database resources apply to the case of 15 million monthly requests, with a maximum of 1000 requests per minute. The platform's logs increase by approximately 15 MB/day.

Network requirements

The IBM RPA on premises server doesn't require an internet connection. You can use a local network connection.

See Open ports to open the ports used by the server.

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)

Third-party applications that accept only Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) can block integrations with services that uses IP address. Services such as Google™ Drive and Gmail only accept FQDNs to integrate with their services.
In this case, prefer to use an FQDN in your IBM RPA API server address instead of an IP address.