Opening existing scripts

Learn how to open existing scripts through the UI of IBM RPA Studio.

Before you begin

The following list shows the requirements to open existing scripts:

  • IBM RPA Studio license.
  • IBM RPA Studio installed on the client-side.
  • IBM RPA user bound to a tenant.
  • Permission to use IBM RPA Studio application.


This procedure shows how you can open scripts by:

Open a script from your computer

  1. Open the IBM RPA Studio.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. From the Start Page pane, click Open. Or from the Home ribbon, click Open.
  4. From the Open dialog box, select the script that you want to open. You can also use the Ctrl+O keyboard shortcut.

Open a script from the tenant repository

  1. Open the IBM RPA Studio.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. From the Start Page pane, click Open from Repository. Or from the Home ribbon, click Open > Open from Repository.
  4. Optional: Click Refresh to load the scripts in your tenant.
  5. From the Repository tab, click in the script you want to open, and then, click the Download icon.


The script open as a new tab on the development area.

What to do next

Start or continue editing your script. You can learn more about how to use variables, subroutines, assets and parameters, create control flows, handle date, time, text and number data, view logs, or debug scripts in Developing scripts.