Known issues and limitations

Known issues

The following table shows the known issues and their respective workarounds, if any.

APAR Description Affected offerings Workarounds
DT389356 The IBM RPA server is unable to download Microsoft Edge's web drivers. This isue happens with Edge v124 and higher.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
You must download the newest web driver manually. For more information, see Downloading web drivers.
DT380968 The Close Browser (webClose) command can leave Chrome browser instances open even if the Keep browser open parameter is not enabled. This issue happens with Chrome v124 and higher.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
Upgrade IBM RPA to version 23.0.16 or higher.
- The IBM RPA Control Center does not display an error message when you create a queue with an unsupported cipher in a FIPS environment. As a result, you can get stuck in the queue creation page.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA on premises
Create the queue with a FIPS-compliant cipher in your environment.
- Watson NLP cannot be installed if the cluster or IBM RPA tenant has FIPS enabled.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
Disable the Watson NLP provider on the IBM RPA custom resources configuration page by defining the nlp replica parameter to 0.
- Bots started with IBM RPA Launcher that run over 24 hours or continuously fail if they contain commands that require the launcher session token.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
See the Troubleshooting the IBM RPA Launcher session expiration.
- The connection between Client and Server accepts only long polling communication.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
A possible workaround is to set your infrastructure to accept long polling connections for communication.
- The 8098 client-side SOAP API to deploy bots has an internal issue that prevents users from using it effectively. As a result, the API was deprecated starting from version 23.0.0 and will be removed on later releases.
  • IBM RPA SaaS
Use the Bots API instead.
- The Control Tree window of IBM RPA Studio’s recorder cannot load the tree of the control that you mapped in a Java™ application. The control might exist on the Java application, but IBM RPA Studio's recorder cannot load the tree view of it.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
- IBM RPA on premises IBM RPA Control Center does not load on Firefox due to CORS.
  • IBM RPA on premises
See the Control center does not load on Firefox troubleshooting page for more information.
JR63713 The Connect to Microsoft MQ (connectMicrosoftmq) command always returns True.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
JR63824 It is not possible to set a value in an Excel file if the spreadsheet is stylized.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
JR64131 The recorder can't find all elements from an Oracle Forms application.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
You can try to use visual recognition instead of selectors. See surface automation🡥 and OCR for more information.
- When mapping a Java application with the IBM RPA Studio's recorder, some fields are not listed.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
  1. Open Studio.exe.config
  2. Add inside the appSettings:
    <add key="JAVADRIVER_CACHE" value="true"/>
- When using SSO, after you log out, you are redirected to the UMS login screen instead of the IBM RPA Control Center.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
Enter the URL https://<urltoserver:port>/#/en/login to log in to the IBM RPA Control Center.
- If you use the self-signed certificates that are generated by the operator, you must accept the API server certificate before you access the IBM RPA UI for the first time.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
See more in Accessing the Robotic Process Automation user interface.
- IBM MQ fails to start. The ibm-mq-xxxx pod is in a CrashLoopBackOff state. This can also lead to an error status when you create an IBM RPA instance.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  1. Locate the ClusterRole called ibm-mq-xxxx (where xxxx is an alphanumeric ID assigned by OpenShift)
  2. Edit the ClusterRole. In the rule for validatingwebhookconfigurations, add the verb delete. Example:
  3. Delete the ibm-mq-xxxx pod. The pod is created and starts normally.
- Accessing IBM RPA UI or API server errors. When you access the IBM RPA UI or API server URLs, your browser gives one of the following errors: Secure Connection Failed or PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR errors
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
IBM RPA deployment is not complete. Check the status of IBM RPA CR. After it shows Ready, wait for 2 minutes and then retry.
- IBM RPA instance has RedisNotReady status. Sometime after you create the IBM RPA instance, RedisNotReady status is still present on the IBM RPA CR. The RedisSentinel resource in the IBM RPA Install namespace has the status of waiting for formation resources to sync. The formation resource has the status of OK.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
Delete the ibm-cloud-databases-redis pod. The Redis operator restarts and IBM RPA installation proceeds normally.
- When you attempt to log in using SSO, you see the message "Single-sign-on authentication failed".
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
Clear your browser cookies and cache, and log in again.
- Block Resource (waitLock) command does not work on IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. If a bot tries to enter a critical region while another bot has the lock, it holds on to the "block resource" command, but it retries to get the lock only in the first few seconds.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- If you want to reactivate a tenant, you get an error because of an issue with the UI integration with the API.
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
See more in Error when reactivating a tenant interface.

Known limitations

The table below shows the known limitations and their respective workarounds, if any.

APAR Description Affected offerings Workarounds
- The Windows driver on IBM RPA Studio's recorder does not support Windows applications that are built with the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
  • IBM RPA on premises
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
  • IBM RPA SaaS
Use surface automation to automate the application.
- You can't debug IVR bots in IBM RPA Studio for IBM RPA SaaS.
  • IBM RPA SaaS
To test your scripts, you must set up an IVR development environment similar to your production environment and make a phone call to your bot.
Starting from IBM RPA 23.0.3, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is removed from the product. For more information, see Removed.
- Chatbot and IVR are not supported by the IBM RPA server.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- Virus definitions are not automatically updated.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- SSO using IAM is the only supported authentication method.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- The default system queue provider for IBM RPA is IBM MQ. MSMQ and WebLogic JMS are currently not supported.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- SendGrid is not supported.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform
- Only a single instance of IBM RPA can be installed in a namespace.
  • IBM RPA on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform