Create HTTP Content

Verb: createHttpContent

Creates a variable that stores the contents and headers of one or more HTTP messages


createHttpContent --formattype(Nullable<HttpFormatter>) [--boundary(String)] [--contentheader(String)] [--body(String)] [--parameters(String)] [--encoding(Nullable<EncodingType>)] [--mediatype(String)] --file(String) [--contentlist(String)] (HttpContent)=value


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--formattype Formatter Required HttpFormatter Body formatter, with available options:
  • Bytes
  • Form Url Encoded
  • Json
  • Multipart
  • Text
  • XML
  • --boundary Boundary Optional Text Text used to separate different HTTP messages.
    --contentheader Content Headers Optional Text Content headers with information from the request.
    --body Body Optional Text Formatted text that should be sent in the body of the request.
    --parameters Parameters Optional Text Parameters that should be sent in the body of the request.
    --encoding Encoding Optional EncodingType Text encoding. Options:
  • Big Endian Unicode
  • Operating System Default
  • Unicode
  • UTF32
  • UTF7
  • UTF8
  • --mediatype Media Type Optional Text Media type of the text.
    --file File Only whenFormatter is Bytes Text File that should be sent.
    --contentlist Contents Optional Text Mappings of HTTP messages to be used.


    Script Designer AcceptedTypes Description
    value Content Http Content Returns the content of the HTTP message.


    Creates different HTTP messages, storing all of them in one variable and executes POST method request, instancing different messages to perform the requests.

    defVar --name content --type HttpContent
    defVar --name multicontentvar --type HttpContent
    defVar --name content2 --type HttpContent
    defVar --name content1 --type HttpContent
    defVar --name content3 --type HttpContent
    defVar --name content4 --type HttpContent
    defVar --name success --type Boolean
    defVar --name response --type String
    createHttpContent --formattype "Json" --contentheader "MyHeader1: test port:8080" --body "{\"tests\":\r\n    {\r\n        \"test1\":\"First\",\r\n        \"test2\":\"Second\"\r\n    }\r\n}" content=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Json" --contentheader "MyHeader2: test port:8080" --parameters "test1=First,test2=Second" content1=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Text" --contentheader "MyHeader3: test port:80" --body "<html>\r\n<body>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>" --encoding "Default" --mediatype "application/html" content2=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Xml" --contentheader "MyHeader5: test port:8080" --body "<note>\r\n<from>Anonymous</from>\r\n<to>You</to>\r\n<messsage>We need more coffee users</message>\r\n</note>\r\n" content3=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Xml" --contentheader "MyHeader6: test port:8080" --body "\r\n" --parameters "<from>=Anonymous,<to>=You,<messsage>=We need more coffee users" content4=value
    createHttpContent --formattype "Multipart" --boundary asdfasf --contentheader "Warning: test warning" --contentlist "content1=${content},content2=${content1},content3=${content2},content4=${content3},content5=${content4}" multicontentvar=value
    httpRequest --verb "Post" --url "" --formatter "Instance" --source ${multicontentvar} --noproxy  success=success response=value
    logMessage --message "Sucess: ${success}\r\nResponse: ${response}" --type "Info"


    HTTP is a protocol that allows you to get resources like HTML documents. It is the basis of any data exchange on the Web and is also a client-server protocol. A complete document is reconstructed from the different subdocuments obtained, for example: text, layout description, images, videos, scripts and more.

    See Also

  • Close SSH Tunnel
  • Create Proxy
  • End SSH Session
  • HTTP Request
  • HTTP Stream to File
  • Map to JSON
  • Open SSH Tunnel
  • Ping
  • Run SSH Command
  • Run Telnet Command
  • SOAP Request
  • SSH Login
  • Start Telnet Connection
  • Terminate Telnet Connection
  • Web Service Request