Get Text from PDF

Verb: extractTextFromPDF

Available from: <Standard>

Gets text from a PDF file according to the specified page range.


extractTextFromPDF --filepath(String) [--range(String)] (String)=value


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--filepath File Required Text Full file path to the desired PDF file.
--range Range Optional Text Range of pages to get the text from.
In case no range is entered, the command gets all the text in the file.


Script Designer AcceptedTypes Description
value Text Text Text that was obtained from the desired file.


The Get Text from PDF gets all the text from the specified file and returns it into a variable of type Text.

defVar --name text --type String
extractTextFromPDF --filepath "pdfExampleFileEn.pdf" text=value
logMessage --message "${text}" --type "Info"
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