Deprecated and removed functions

The IBM Robotic Process Automation platform is evolving continuously and as technology improves, some functions become obsolete or get deprecated from support.

See the following sections for definitions of deprecated and removed functions and the tables that categorize these items.


A deprecated function is still supported but might be removed in a future release. The following table lists deprecated functions, the version in which the function was deprecated, and recommended actions, when available:

Product Item Version Recommended action
IBM RPA Studio Pre-established integration with Google™ Geocoding API 🡥 in the Extract Address (extractAddress) command. 21.0.7-FP004 Enter your own Google™ Geocoding API key in the API Key parameter of the Extract Address (extractAddress) command.
IBM RPA SaaS client Call bots through the 8098 port using SOAP 21.0.7a A known issue triggered this functionality for deprecation. Version 23.0.0 replaces this API with the Bots API.
IBM RPA Studio IVR technology 21.0.6 Consider changing to a new solution, like Chatbots.
IBM RPA Studio Connect to Exchange Email Server (exchangeConnect) 21.0.5 Use Adding a Microsoft Exchange IMAP application to connect to the Microsoft™ Exchange application.
IBM RPA Studio File and Filename input parameters of Execute Script (executeScript) 21.0.4 No action.

It migrates the data from the Filename input parameter to the Name input parameter automatically.
IBM Robotic Process Automation Broker deployment 21.0.4 Use orchestration.
IBM RPA Studio Solve Web Captcha (webSolveCaptcha) 21.0.2 No action.
IBM RPA Studio Solve Captcha (solveCaptcha) 21.0.2 No action.
IBM RPA Studio JavaScript No action.
IBM RPA Studio Get File Path Use Get Files command instead.
IBM RPA Studio Execute SQL Instruction (executeSql) To connect to a database, use the commands listed in the Connection section.

To run an SQL statement, use the Run SQL Command.
IBM RPA Studio Execute ODBC Command (executeOdbc ) To connect to a database, use the commands listed in the Connection section.

To run an SQL statement, use the Run SQL Command.
IBM RPA Studio Get XML Data Use the Map XML command instead.


A removed function is no longer supported and will not work from the version in which it was removed to the latest versions. The following table lists removed functions, the version in which the function was removed, and possible functions that you can use to replace it:

Product Item Version Replacement
IBM RPA Studio Create Blowfish Cipher (cipherBlowFish) 21.0.2 Consider using the Create AES Encryption (cipherAES) command instead.
IBM RPA Studio Create RC2 Cipher (cipherRC2) 21.0.2 Consider using the Create AES Encryption (cipherAES) command instead.
IBM RPA Studio Show or Hide Element (togglevisibility) 21.0.0 No replacement.
IBM RPA Studio Create Triple DES Cipher (cipherTripleDES) 21.0.0 Consider using the Create AES Encryption (cipherAES) command instead.
IBM RPA Studio Create DES Cipher (cipherDES) 21.0.0 Consider using the Create AES Encryption (cipherAES) command instead.