Get Files

Verb: getFiles

Gets the file paths that exist in a directory, and can also get file paths from subdirectories of that directory, returning those paths in a list.


getFiles --path(String) [--recursive(Boolean)] [--filemask(String)] [--orderbyname(Boolean)] [--orderbylastmodification(Boolean)] [--orderbyextension(Boolean)] [--orderbysize(Boolean)] [--reverseordering(Boolean)] [--fileSystem(FileSystem)] (List<String>)=value


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--path Directory Required Text Full path to the directory of which the file paths should be obtained.
--recursive Search in Subdirectories Optional Boolean When enabled, searches files within subdirectories of the specified directory in the Directory parameter.
--filemask File Mask Optional Text Filter that will be applied in the search. It must be inserted as follows: [Name or part of the file name, spaces are not accepted in this part]. [File extension]. Here are some examples:
  • * .txt: filters all files with the ".txt" extension;
  • name: filters all files that have the word "name" as part of the name.

  • When entering the name of the file, it must be case sensitive.
    --orderbyname Order by Name Optional Boolean Sorts the files by name, returning the file list in the Paths parameter.
    --orderbylastmodification Order by Last Modification Optional Boolean Causes the list returned in the output parameter Paths to be sorted by file modification date.
    --orderbyextension Order by Extension Optional Boolean Sorts files by extension, returning list of files in Paths parameter.
    --orderbysize Order by Size Optional Boolean Sorts the files by size, returning the file list in the Paths parameter.
    --reverseordering Reverse Ordering Optional Boolean Reverses the list's sorting.
    --fileSystem File System Optional File System Connection variable to a file system.
    1. To obtain the connection variable with an available file system, this connection must be established using one of the following commands: Connect to Dropbox, Connect to Google Drive or Connect to Microsoft Corporation OneDrive, which must be pre-configured in the Web Client.
    2. If nothing is specified in this parameter, the local file system of the operating system is used as default.


    Script Designer AcceptedTypes Description
    value Paths List<Text> List containing the file paths found.


    Example 1: The Get Files command returns the list of file paths from a specified folder.

    defVar --name filePaths --type List --innertype String
    // Download the following file to execute the command.
    getFiles --path  --orderbyname  filePaths=value
    logMessage --message "${filePaths}" --type "Info"

    Example 2: The Get Files command returns the list of file paths of a specified folder, filtering the files by the mask "* .txt".

    defVar --name filePaths --type List --innertype String
    getFiles --path --filemask "*.txt" --orderbyname  filePaths=value
    logMessage --message "${filePaths}" --type "Info"

    Download File

    See Also

  • Check If Directory Exists
  • Convert Base64 to File
  • Convert File to Base64
  • Copy File
  • Count Files
  • Create Directory
  • Delete Directory
  • Delete File
  • Delete from Directory
  • Download from File System
  • Get Directories
  • If File Exists
  • Move File
  • Read All Bytes
  • Read All Text
  • Rename File
  • Send to File System
  • Write to File