Rational Developer for System z

Shift-out, Shift-in (SOSI) delimiter

Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) strings are delimited by shift-out and shift-in (SOSI) characters. In the editor, the shift-out delimiter is represented by the « symbol, and the shift-in character is represented by the » symbol. Inclusion of SOSI delimiter within the editor text allows the record length and column alignment to be the same as on an EBCDIC system.

The SOSI delimiter is displayed automatically within a local or remote file, when a remote DBCS codepage is detected for the file. However, when copying text with a SOSI delimeter outside of the editor, the delimiter is not included in the pasted text.

SOSI delimiter symbols are not printed or included in Outline view or in the Compare EditorStructural Differences Outline. Instead, a white space displays in place of the symbol.

Note: There is a current limitation when there is an error and associated annotation. It is possible that the SOSI delimiter symbols surrounding a DBCS sequence to be underlined as part of the error identified by the annotation.
