Rational Rose model

There are several tools within the Extensibility features that are follow-on modeling tools to IBM® Rational Rose®. You can move your Rose models and related artifacts into these Rational® modeling products using the Rational Rose Model Import wizard. You can use this sample Rose model to help you understand the Rose model migration process.
Time to set up and import: 5 minutes

The sample Rational Rose model provides a way for you to try the Rose model import process in a controlled and experimental way. While the actual model (including related Java™ and C++ source code) is relatively small in size, the model contains a wide variety of common diagrams and artifacts that Rose models typically contain.

You can use the Rose sample model, which models a fictitious loan processing system, to perform the following activities:

  • Walk through the import process using the Rose Model Import wizard.
  • Do a side-by-side comparison between the Rose diagrams and the equivalent diagrams in the new Rational UML modeling products.
  • Understand the main differences between UML 1.4 and UML 2.0 notation.
  • Experiment with visual editing and transformations using the provided Java and C++ source code.
    Note: Visual editing and transformation capabilities are only offered in Rational Software Architect and Rational Systems Developer.

You may want to have IBM Rational Rose installed in case you want to modify the sample Rose models.

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