Enabling SSL for agent communications

Build Forge components are set up by default to use certain ports and security settings when SSL is enabled.

To enable SSL communication between Build Forge and agents, you need to do the following:

Configuring agents for SSL

  1. If the agent is running, stop it.
  2. Place .PEM files for the certificates in the root installation directory for the agent.

    To implement and test SSL quickly you can copy the .PEM files from the Build Forge installation. The files are in <bfinstall>/keystore.

    The best practice for SSL is to use a separate certificate for each agent:

    1. Create separate keystore files (.PEM) for each of the following:
      • private key (key)
      • public certificate for the private key (cert)
      • trusted signers (ca or certificate authority)
    2. If you are using an unique certificate for the agent (instead of a copy of the Build Forge engine's certificate), then add the certificate for the agent to the certificate authority keystore for Build Forge, <bfinstall>/keystore/buildForgeCA.pem. If you are running multiple engines (redundant engines), add the certificate to each engine's certificate authority keystore.
  3. Edit BFAgent.conf. The following lines are commented out in the file. Remove the comment prefix.
    ssl_key_location buildForgeKey.pem
    ssl_key_password password
    ssl_cert_location buildForgeCert.pem
    ssl_ca_location buildForgeCA.pem
    ssl_protocol TLSv1
    ssl_cipher_group ALL

    The password is for the buildForgeKey.pem keystore. If you want to encrypt it, see Encrypting passwords in buildforge.conf and bfagent.conf.

    If you want to require client authentication when a connection is made to the agent, uncomment the following line:
    ssl_client_authentication true
    This setting requires that the engine certificate be added in the agent's certificate authority keystore, buildForgeCA.pem.
    If you want to use specific ciphers, uncomment this line and add your cipher list:
    ssl_cipher_override cipher_list
  4. Start the agent. The agent must be running to test the connection from the console.

Enabling SSL in Server definitions

The console uses Server definitions to connect to agents.

For each Server definition that is connected to an SSL-enabled agent, do the following:

Troubleshooting SSL communication with agents

The following checklist describes common issues when enabling SSL:

Enabling debugging messages

You can enable debugging in the engine and the agent. When debugging is enabled, additional detailed output is produced that can help identify problems in the configuration.

Example engine debug output for a successful SSL connection

An engine produces the following output when it connects successfully to an agent.

SSL_ca_file: ./keystore/buildForgeCA.pem
SSL_cert_file: ./keystore/buildForgeCert.pem
SSL_key_file: ./keystore/buildForgeKey.pem
SSL_verify_mode: 0x01
SSL_version: TLSv1
SSL_cipher_list: ALL
SSL_use_cert: 1
Making as SSL connection using socket IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x1e8f0f4).
SSL connection to agent.
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1387: new ctx 80662848
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:880: dont start handshake: IO::Socket::SSL=GLOB(0x1e8f0f4)
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:284: ssl handshake not started
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:327: Net::SSLeay::connect -> 1
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:382: ssl handshake done
Socket is of type: ref(IO::Socket::SSL=GLOB(0x1e8f0f4))
ReadyLine: 202 HELLO TLS - BuildForge Agent v_VERSION_
Storing Agent Version [999.999.999.999-999-9999] for [08974C8E-6C3B-1014-972D-D9B2901D9F42]
cmd ping
username pbirk
encpass c1713f4a31af3f1300f7b2414a24559c4d6097e07310cf9c412e
Sending agent request...

Example agent debug output for a successful SSL connection

An agent running normally produces the following output when it establishes an SSL connection.

[2256] main.c          : 409: === NEW AGENT ===
[2256] io.c            : 264: In start_SSL
[2256] io.c            :  89: Key location: buildForgeKey.pem
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 134: Looking for password locator: ssl_key_password_locator
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 244: Looking for password for prop 
                              ssl_key_password from bfagent.conf.
[2256] bfcryptloader.c : 202: Loading password encryption module.
[2256] bfcryptloader.c : 276: Password encryption property 
                              password_encrypt_module is not configured.
[2256] bfcryptloader.c : 539: Password decoded.
[2256] io.c            :  98: Cert location: buildForgeCert.pem
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 134: Looking for password locator: 
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 244: Looking for password for prop 
                              ssl_cert_password from bfagent.conf.
[2256] io.c            : 153: Setting key password in default userdata.
[2256] io.c            : 160: Getting private key from PEM.
[2256] io.c            : 166: Checking private key from PEM.
[2256] io.c            : 172: Getting CA store information.
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 134: Looking for password locator: 
[2256] bfpwdlocloader.c: 244: Looking for password for prop 
                              ssl_ca_password from bfagent.conf.
[2256] io.c            : 178: CA location: buildForgeCert.pem
[2256] io.c            : 184: Checking the CA store.
[2256] io.c            : 230: Returning from init_CTX.
[2256] io.c            : 281: Calling SSL_new
[2256] io.c            : 294: Calling SSL_accept.
[2256] io.c            : 346: Cipher chosen: AES256-SHA
[2256] io.c            : 367: ssl_state = SS_CERTIFIED

Example output for bad keystore password on the agent

If the keystore password configured on the agent side is wrong, it shows up in both engine and agent output.

Engine output (excerpt):

SSL_use_cert: 1
Making as SSL connection using socket IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x1e8f0f4).
SSL connection to agent.
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1387: new ctx 80662848
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:880: dont start handshake: IO::Socket::SSL=GLOB(0x1e8f0f4)
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:284: ssl handshake not started
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:327: Net::SSLeay::connect -> -1
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1135: SSL connect attempt failed with unknown error
error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:333: fatal SSL error: SSL connect attempt failed with unknown error
error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1422: free ctx 80662848 open=80662848 80566656
DEBUG: .../IO/Socket/SSL.pm:1425: OK free ctx 80662848

Agent output (excerpt):

[    5272] io.c            :  98: Cert location: buildForgeCert.pem
[    5272] bfpwdlocloader.c: 134: Looking for password locator: ssl_cert_passwor
[    5272] bfpwdlocloader.c: 244: Looking for password for prop ssl_cert_password from bfagent.conf.
[    5272] io.c            : 153: Setting key password in default userdata.
[    5272] io.c            : 160: Getting private key from PEM.
[    5272] io.c            : 218: Failure reason: SSLErrorBadPKeyFile
[    5272] io.c            : 221: OpenSSL error string: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
[    5272] io.c            : 281: Calling SSL_new
[    5272] platform.c      :2693: platform_release_credentials
[    5272] main.c          : 412: --- EXITING ---

Error codes in agent output

This list includes some of the other error codes you may encounter and their causes:
