For projects converted from EJB 1.1 to EJB 2.x, steps must
be taken to migrate existing EJB 1.1 code to EJB 2.x.
About this task
Note: EJB 2.x beans are only supported in an EJB 2.x project
(although a 2.x project also supports 1.1 beans).
- For any CMP 1.1 bean, replace each CMP field with abstract getXXX and setXXX methods. (Then the bean class needs
to be abstract.)
- For any CMP, create an abstract getXXX and setXXX method for the primary key.
- For any CMP 1.1 finder method, create an EJBQL (EJB Query
Language) method for each finder method.
Note: EJB Query Language
has the following limitations in
version 7.5 V6.0:
- EJB Query Language queries involving EJBs with keys made up of
relationships to other EJBs appear as invalid and cause errors at
deployment time.
- The IBM® EJB Query Language
support extends the EJB 2.x specification in various ways, including
relaxing some restrictions, adding support for more DB2® functions, and so on. If portability across
various vendor databases or EJB deployment tool is a concern, then
care should be taken to write all EJB Query Language queries strictly
according to instructions described in Chapter 11 of the EJB 2.x specification.
Note: EJB Query Language has the following limitations
in Rational® Application
Developer V7.5:
- For EJB 1.1 level beans, IBM provides an extension for supporting finders based on EJBQL. When
EJBs which use this are migrated to be 2.x EJBs, the old abstract
schema name used in the EJBQL query does not match the abstract schema
name that the migrator gives to the EJB. This results in errors in
the problems view like "WQRY0025E: The abstract schema name ResultBean
is not defined". The fix is to manually change the abstract schema
name in the query to match that of the migrated EJB.
- For any CMP 1.1 finder, return java.util.Collection instead
of java.util.Enumeration.
- For any CMP 1.1 bean, change all occurrences of this.field
= value to setField(value) in ejbCreate() and
elsewhere throughout the code.
- Update your exception handling (rollback behavior) for non-application
- Throw javax.ejb.EJBException instead of java.rmi.RemoteException to report non-application exceptions.
- In EJB 2.x and 1.1, all non-application exceptions thrown by the
instance result in the rollback of the transaction in which the instance
executed, and in discarding the instance.
- Update your Exception handling (rollback behavior) for application
- In EJB 2.x and 1.1, an application exception does not cause the
container to automatically roll back a transaction.
- In EJB 1.1, the container performs the rollback only if the instance
was invoked using the setRollbackOnly() method on its EJBContext
- Update any CMP setting of application-specific default values
to be inside ejbCreate (not using global variables, since
EJB 1.1 containers set all fields to generic default values before
calling ejbCreate which overwrites any previous application-specific