COBOL and PL/I scanners

Rational Asset Analyzer offers several scanners for COBOL and PL/I assets:

Rational Asset Analyzer provides several opportunities for authorized users to set the scanner and scanning options:

Using the ISPF interface
During installation and configuration, the administrator sets the initial scanner and option settings. These settings act as the installation default and are represented to the user with the Use the default scanner option in the inventory collection wizard. When processing a new asset for the first time, this option is the displayed default. The settings remain in effect for the asset until newer setting(s) are established for the file, container, application, or site.
Using the browser and inventory collection wizard
Authorized users can override the default scanner settings and options using the inventory collection wizard. The settings are stored as a property of the container unless an explicit assignment is made at the file level.

For new inventory, the scanning settings defined for site, container, and application, if they exist, are used to analyze new file assets associated with these assets. The search order for settings to be used for analyzing new assets is application, container, site, and then installation.

For existing inventory, the browser interface offers options to assign scanners and scanning options at various levels: site, container, file, and application. The search order for existing settings to be used when reanalyzing existing assets is file, application, container, site, and then installation.

You can view the settings that were used for analysis of a program asset on the "Program details" page. These settings are reused when the program is reanalyzed, unless an authorized user changes the scanning options for the asset as a function of reanalysis.

Note: If you download COBOL or PL/I source from z/OS to Windows for scanning, make sure you have set your translation table correctly. Unsupported syntax errors during scanning may result from incorrect character conversion. For example, the not character is often not correctly converted.
The COBOL and PL/I compilers on z/OS® and Windows systems support differing syntax. When scanning COBOL and PL/I source downloaded from z/OS to Windows, therefore, by using Rational Asset Analyzer for Windows platforms, there are limitations to supported syntax. The following references outline the differences between COBOL and PL/I syntax on z/OS and Windows platforms: