Property configuration in the DSM Editor

Configure properties in the DSM Editor to change the behavior of an overridden system property or the custom property of a DSM.

When you override the behavior of a system property, you must provide a valid expression on the Properties tab. The Format String field is a combination of regex capture groups and literal characters. The string is used to populate system properties by one or more values that are captured from events, and with more formatting characters or injected information. For example, you might want to parse an IP address and a port to combine them both into a string. If your regular expression (regex) has two capture groups, you can combine them by using this format string: $1:$2.

Attention: The DSM Editor allows capture group references of 1 through 9 in any specific match. If you reference any capture group above 9, the log source extension might not work correctly.

You must configure each custom property that you create. You must provide a valid expression and capture group for a custom property on the Properties tab. You can also define selectivity and enable or disable your expression.