Creating an event map and categorization

An event mapping is an event ID and category combination you use to map an event to a QID. With the DSM Editor, you can create a new event mapping to map all unknown events to an entry in the QID map. Also, you can remap existing ones to either a newly created event categorization (QIDs) or to an existing one in the system.


  1. To add an event mapping, click the Add (+) icon on the Event Mapping tab of DSM Editor.
  2. Ensure that values are entered for the Event ID and Event Category fields.
  3. To create a new event categorization, use the following steps:
    1. From the Create a new Event Mapping window, click Choose QID.
    2. On the QID Records window, click Create New QID Record.
    3. Enter values for the Name, Description fields, and select a Log Source Type, a High Level Category, a Low Level Category, and a Severity.
    4. Click Save to create the new event categorization.
  4. To use an existing event categorization, use the following steps:
    1. From the Create a new Event Mapping window, click Choose Event.
    2. Search for an existing event categorization on the Event Categorizations window.
    3. Select a High Level category, Low Level category, Log Source Type or QID. Results are shown in the Search Results pane.
    4. Click Ok to add the event category.