Backing up and restoring app data

Use the script to back up and recover app data.

About this task

A configuration backup that you do on the backup and Recovery window does not back up your apps' data. The /opt/qradar/bin/ script runs nightly at 2:30 AM, and backs up each installed application's /store mounted volume. By default, data is retained for 7 days.

Use the script to do the following tasks:

  • Back up data manually for installed apps.
  • List all installed app data backups on the system.
  • Restore data for installed apps.
  • Run the retention process and set the retention period for backups.

This script is on both the QRadar® Console and the App Host if one is installed. The script backs up app data only if apps are on the current host.


  1. Use SSH to log in to your Console or your App Host as the root user.
  2. Go to the /opt/qradar/bin/ directory.
    • Use the following command to back up app data:
      ./ backup

      The script runs nightly at 2:30 AM local time to back up all installed apps. Backup archives are stored in the /store/apps/backup folder. You can change the backup archives location by editing the APP_VOLUME_BACKUP_DIR variable in /store/configservices/staging/globalconfig/nva.conf. You must deploy changes after you edit this variable.

    • To view all data backups for installed apps, enter the following command:

      ./ ls

      This command outputs all backup archives that are stored in the backup archives folder.

    • To restore a backup archive, enter the following command:

      ./ restore -i <backup_name>

      Use the ls command to find the name of a backup archive.

    • New in 7.5.0To restore data for a specific application instance, rather than restoring all instances, enter the following command:

      ./ restore-interactive -i <backup name>

      Note: This function was added in QRadar 7.5.0 Update Package 1, and works only with backups that were created after updating to 7.5.0 Update Package 1.
    • New in 7.5.0 Update Package 6To backup data for an individual application instance, enter the following command:

      /opt/qradar/bin/ backup -u <app definition uuid>

      In a multitenant deployment, you must specify the security profile associated with the application instance that you want to backup. For example, /opt/qradar/bin/ backup -u <app definition uuid> -s <security profile id>

    • New in 7.5.0 Update Package 6To restore data for an individual application instance, enter the following command:

      /opt/qradar/bin/ restore -i <backup tarball> -n -u <app definition uuid>

      In a multitenant deployment, you must specify the security profile associated with the application instance that you want to restore. For example, /opt/qradar/bin/ restore -i <backup tarball> -n -u <app definition uuid> -s <security profile id>

    • By default, all backup archives are retained for one week. The retention process runs nightly at 2:30 AM local time with the backup.
      • To perform retention manually, and use the default retention period, enter the following command:

        ./ retention

      • You can also set the retention period manually by adding -t (time - defaults to 1) and -p (period - defaults to 0) switches.

        The -p switch accepts three values: 0 for a week, 1 for a day, and 2 for an hour.

        For example, to set the retention period for a backup to 3 weeks, enter the following command:

        ./ retention -t 3 -p 0

    • If you want to change the retention time that is used by the nightly timer, add flags to the retention command found in the following systemd service file.


      For example, to change the retention period that is used by the nightly retention process to 5 days, locate the following line:

      ExecStart=/opt/qradar/bin/ retention

      Replace it with:

      ExecStart=/opt/qradar/bin/ retention -t 5 -p 1

      Save your changes, and run the systemctl daemon-reload command for systemd to apply the changes.

    App containers are restarted automatically after the restore is complete.