Disk usage exceeded max threshold

38750038 - Disk Sentry: Disk Usage Exceeded Max Threshold.


At least one disk on your system is 95% full.

To prevent data corruption, some processes shut down. Event collection is suspended until the disk usage falls below 92%.

User response

Identify which partition is full, such as the / and /store file systems. Free disk space by deleting files that are not needed. For example, remove debug output and patch files from the / file system. If the /store file system is at 95% capacity, look to the subdirectories to determine whether you can move the files to a temporary location or you can delete any files.
Note: If the files are deleted, you cannot search these events.

You can also manually delete older data in the /store/ariel/ directories. The system automatically restarts processes after you free enough disk space to fall below a threshold of 92% capacity.