Configuring a time series chart

You can display interactive time series charts that represent the records that are matched by a specific time interval search.


  1. In the chart title bar, click the Configure icon.
  2. In the Value to Graph list, select Destination IP (Unique Count).
  3. In the Chart Type list, select Time Series.
  4. Click Capture Time Series Data.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Update Details.
  7. Filter your search results:
    1. Right-click the event that you want to filter.
    2. Click Filter on Event Name is <Event Name>.
  8. To display the event list that is grouped by the user name, select Username from the Display list.
  9. Verify that your search is visible on the Dashboard tab:
    1. Click the Dashboard tab.
    2. Click the New Dashboard icon.
    3. In the Name field, type Example Custom Dashboard.
    4. Click OK.
    5. In the Add Item list, select Log Activity > Event Searches > Example Search 1.


The results from your saved event search display in the Dashboard.