Upgrading WinCollect 10 agents

You can upgrade existing WinCollect 10 stand-alone agents to the latest version by either running the interactive MSI installer or by using the command line.

About this task

To upgrade WinCollect 10 agents, you must open the Command Prompt as an administrator.


  1. Copy the installation .msi file to the agent computer.
  2. To open the command prompt as an administrator, right-click the Start charm, and then click Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. Upgrade the agent by performing one of the following actions:
    • To upgrade using the interactive MSI installer, type the following command:
    • To upgrade using the command line, type the following command:
      msiexec.exe /qn /i wincollect-10.X.X-X.x64.msi ADMIN_GROUP="<true or false>"

      WinCollect 10 now uses a virtual account. Aspects of the WinCollect agent that interact with the file system (file based sources, mTLS, etc...) will need extra privileges in order to continue to function properly.

      To resolve this issue, the WinCollect virtual account can be added to the Administrators group. Alternatively, if the WinCollect virtual account is not added to the Administrators group, access to the necessary directories would need to be added manually.

      The ADMIN_GROUP command line parameter must be specified with either a true or false value when installing WinCollect on a system that is not a domain controller. The upgrade fails when this command line parameter is not specified on systems that are not a domain controller.

      A value of true adds the WinCollect virtual account to the Administrators group, whereas a value of false will not.

      If you are upgrading to a version of 10.1.7 or later, you can specify an account for the service to run as using the ACCOUNT_NAME flag.