Creating a database connection in the IBM Data Studio client

To create a connection to the core warehouse database, you must create a connection profile with the database connection information.

Before you begin

Before you create a connection to the core warehouse database, you must first complete the following tasks:

  1. You can find the database connection information in the installation report provided with the system during delivery. Contact your system administrator to gather the following database connection information:
    The name of the core warehouse database. The default database name is BCUDB.
    The host name or IP address of the server that provides access to the core warehouse database.
    Port number
    The port number. The default port number is 50000.
    User name
    The name of the user that you want to connect to the core warehouse database. The default user name on the system is bcuaix.
    The password of the user name.
  2. The user name and password that you use to connect to the core warehouse database must have the following privileges:
    • Database administrators must have the following database privileges:
      • DBADM
      • LOAD
    • Database users must have the following database privileges:
      • BINDADD
      • CONNECT


  1. In the Data Studio client, switch to the perspective that is appropriate for your role:
    1. Select Windows > Open Perspective > Other.
    2. In the Open Perspective dialog box, select one of the following perspectives:
      • For application development, select Database Development.
      • For database administration, select Database Administration.
  2. Go to the Data Source Explorer view in the Database Development perspective or the Administration Explorer view in the Database Administration perspective.
    Note: If the view is not visible, open it from the Windows menu:
    • To display the Data Source Explorer, click Windows > Show View > Data Source Explorer.
    • To display the Administration Explorer, click Windows > Show View > Administration Explorer.
  3. Start the New Connection wizard:
    • In the Data Source Explorer, click New Connection wizard New Connection Profile.
    • In the Administration Explorer, click New > New Connection to a database.
  4. Complete the fields in the wizard:
    1. In the Local tab, select the DB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database manager.
    2. Use the default JDBC driver.
    3. In the General tab of the Properties section, specify the values of the database connection information that correspond to the appropriate fields. To create a connection to the core warehouse database, you would specify the following information in the fields in the New Connection wizard:
      Port number
      User name
    4. Optional: Click Test Connection to ensure that you can connect to the database.
    5. Click Finish.


The connection is displayed in the Database Connections folder in the Data Source Explorer view or in the All Databases folder in the Administration Explorer.

What to do next

For information about the known restrictions and workarounds for the client, see Known Restrictions.

For information about the tasks that you can complete by using the client, see the IBM Data Studio Information Center.