IBM Netezza Replication Services, Version 1.6

Configuring NFS export

You must configure the NFS export of the log server data partition.

About this task

If you are using a clustered implementation, repeat the procedure in this topic on each PTS (replication log server) host.


  1. Log in to the replication log server host as root.
  2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x only: Perform the following steps:
    1. Install the required nfs-utils package if it was not already installed by default.
    2. Start the NFS services by issuing the following commands:
      systemctl start rpcbind
      systemctl start nfs-server
    3. Enable the NFS services by issuing the following command:
      systemctl enable nfs-server
    4. Check the status of the NFS services by issuing the following commands:
      systemctl status rpcbind
      systemctl status nfs-server
      systemctl status nfs-lock
      systemctl status nfs-idmap
      The status of nfs-server should be active and enabled; the status of the other three services should be active and static.
  3. Set NFS services run levels to start on different boot levels, as follows:
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x, perform the following steps:
      1. Edit the nfs-server.service file by issuing the following command:
        vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service
      2. Under the [Install] section, ensure that the following lines exist: 
      3. Reload the daemons by issuing the following command:
        systemctl daemon-reload
      4. Refresh the nfs-server targets by issuing the following commands:
        systemctl disable nfs-server 
        systemctl enable nfs-server 
        systemctl restart nfs-server
      5. Check the nfs-server run levels by issuing the following command:
        ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/nfs-server.service
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, issue the following commands:
      chkconfig --list nfs
      chkconfig --level 2345 nfs on
      service nfs restart
  4. Add the following lines to the /etc/exports file:
    /var/nzrepl <nps-host-HA1-ipaddress>(no_root_squash,rw,sync) 
    /var/nzrepl <nps-host-HA2-ipaddress>(no_root_squash,rw,sync) 
    In the previous lines, use the IP addresses in Table 1.
  5. Perform one of the following steps:
    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x or later, issue the following command:
      systemctl restart nfs-server
    • On earlier Linux versions, issue the following command:
      service nfs restart
