Data maintenance

New report jobs are available to estimate, delete, or archive obsolete or unused data in the Product Master system. These report jobs are based on the options that are provided in a lookup table, and can be scheduled to run on an appropriate maintenance window by using the in-built scheduler.

Attribute definitions for Product Master Data Maintenance Lookup
Lookup Attribute Definition
Component PIM component that is to be maintained, do not modify this value.
Days_to_keep Integer field for specifying number of days before current date, PIM component data to be preserved. Obsolete data older than the given number of days are deleted. This value must be a positive integer, zero or null. If null, End_date_to_delete attribute value is used. If zero, all obsolete data is deleted.
Start_date_to_delete Optional date attribute that is used along with End_date_to_delete. If a date is provided, data between start date and end date are deleted.
End_date_to_delete Date attribute that is used with or without Start_date_to_delete. If both start date and end date are provided, obsolete data between start date and end date are deleted. If only end date is provided, obsolete data that is created before end date are deleted.
Catalog_Name Optional string attribute for entering a catalog Name to delete old version data specific to that catalog. This attribute is used only for Old Version maintenance.
  • Value for either Days_to_keep or End_date_to_delete attributes must be provided. If both the attribute values are provided, Days_to_keep takes precedence.
  • Days_to_keep attribute helps in automatic scheduling of the maintenance report jobs without the need for modifying the lookup table each time.
  • Modify these lookup table values per your requirement before you run the maintenance report job.