Global Data Synchronization (GDS)

Global data synchronization (GDS) is an ongoing business process that enables continuous exchange of data between trading partners to ensure synchronized information.

GDS is based on a publish/subscribe model. The supplier is required to publish the product information to a data pool, and the data pool then matches the published data to the known subscribers of the data. The product information can be about price, party, and other relationship-specific attributes. This process ensures that all stakeholders for a product are notified about the latest information about the product.

GDS uses a global network that is called the Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN), which facilitates the synchronization of item information between retailer and suppliers by using a single global registry. It is a single point of entry into the network for suppliers and retailers through selected data pools. After connection, the trading partners can subscribe to or publish all of their item information in a single and consistent process for all other trading partners that are connected to the GDSN.

The following figure shows the flow of product data between trading partners, data pools, and the global registry with in the GDSN.

GDSN synchronization process

The GDSN synchronization process involves the following steps:
  1. The supplier submits an item information to the source data pool.
  2. The source data pool registers item in the global registry, which helps the GDSN community to locate data sources and manage ongoing synchronization relationships between trading partners.
  3. After the item is registered at global registry, the supplier publishes the item in the source data pool.
  4. The retailer subscribes to the item by sending the subscription message to the recipient data pool.
  5. The recipient data pool along with the subscription details, requests an item information from the source data pool through the global registry.
  6. Based on retailer's subscription information, the source data pool synchronizes with the recipient data pool to share the item information.
  7. After getting the information from the source data pool, the recipient data pool forwards the item information to the retailer.
  8. The retailer confirms the recipient data pool if the item is approved or rejected.
  9. The recipient data pool sends an item confirmation to the source data pool.
  10. The source data pool forwards the item confirmation to the supplier.