What's new in IBM Process Mining 1.14.3

Learn about the new or changed features in IBM Process Mining 1.14.3.

Prescriptive Process Mining

The Prescriptive Process Mining feature is currently offered as a technology preview with limited support and might be subjected to changes.

Prescriptive Process Mining provides you with an all-new digital subject matter expert experience in IBM Process Mining. Prescriptive Process Mining helps you to investigate your processes based on Key Performance Indicators and generate reports. The reports that are generated by Prescriptive Process Mining readily includes actionable insights about the processes, including major influencers of the process, deviations, recommended actions, and benefits.

For more information, see the Prescriptive Process Mining topic.

Database support

Starting from version 1.14.3, IBM Process Mining removes support for MySQL as database for IBM Task Mining and adds support for PostgreSQL. When you install or upgrade to IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can set up PostgreSQL 15 or Db2 11.5.6.x or later as IBM Task Mining database.

You can migrate your current Task Mining data from MySQL to PostgreSQL by using the data migration tool that is provided by IBM. For more information, contact IBM Support.

Process App schedule settings

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can create a schedule to update the event log data in your Process App project. Scheduling enables you to refresh your data sources either on a replacement or incremental basis. If you choose the replacement method, the existing data source is replaced and new data sources are processed based on your requirements. You can either choose a frequency or set a preferred timing for scheduling. For more information, see the Schedule settings topic.

Data cleansing

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, the Alias and Ignored activities settings are available in the new Data cleansing section in Manage tab. For more information, see the Data cleansing topic.

Download Recent activities as CSV

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can download the Recent activities audit log as a CSV file. For more information, see the Recent activities topic.

Manage filters

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can select, edit, and apply multiple filters to process models together. For more information, see the Manage filters topic.

Duration data type

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can specify the new Duration data type in Custom metrics. For more information, see the Custom metrics topic.

IBM Task Mining

Task Mining Working patterns

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, IBM Process Mining identifies the most frequently occurring working patterns in processes and present them as process charts in the Task Mining dashboard. You can view these working patterns in two formats: Application view and Page view.

For more information, see the Dashboard topic.

Other improvements

Redesigned Analytics

The Analytics page in IBM Process Mining 1.14.3 has a new and redesigned user interface.

Redesigned Model tab

The Model tab in IBM Process Mining 1.14.3 has a new and redesigned user interface.

HTML support in Monitor Body field

Starting from IBM Process Mining 1.14.3, you can use HTML tags in the Body field during the setting up of Monitors.

Improved navigation for Case filters and Resources

The Resources list in the Statistics tab and the Case attributes list in the Edit filters window now have search and pagination features available for easier navigation.