Creating tenants

After you install IBM Process Mining, you must create tenants before adding users and assigning permissions. Tenants in IBM Process Mining are user groups who share a common access with specific privileges to the software instance. Depending on your requirement, you can create single-tenant and multitenant environments.

To add a new tenant, perfrom the following steps:

  1. On the Adminstration page, click Add new tenant.

User profile

  1. On the Tenant detail page, enter the tenant details, password, and Lock account policy, as required.

    To learn more about the fields in Tenant details tab, see the following table:

    Field Description
    Name The name you want to give to the tenants.
    Custom Column Limit The number of custom columns that can be mapped in the projects.
    Default Currency The selected currency is used as default in the projects.
    Default RPA Vendor The selected RPA vendor is displayed as the default vendor in the Generate RPA bot section of the Automate tab. ⓘ Note: The Default RPA Vendor list displays all the custom vendors that are created in the IBM Task Mining application for the selected tenant.
    Pluggable RPA Bot Generator Timeout (seconds) The value in this field indicates the timeout value for RPA bot generator.
    Max password age (days) The maximum number of days for the expiration of the password.
    Max password history depth The maximum number of passwords saved in the history that cannot be reused.
    Min password length The minimum length of the password.
    Min number of digits in a password The minimum number of digits of the password.
    Min number of uppercases in a password The minimum number of uppercase letters in a password.
    Min number of lowercases in a password The minimum number of lowercase letters in a password.
    Min number of special characters in a password The minimum number of special characters in a password.
    Enable lock policy Select the Enable lock policy checkbox to enable the lock policy that is described in the following three configurations:
    - Auto-Lock days
    The number of days since the last login after which the user is locked out.
    - Number of attempts before lock
    The number of consecutive attempts of incorrect passwords after which the user is locked out.
    - Timeframe of attempts before lock
    The value in this field indicates the duration in which the user consecutively attempts the incorrect password to get the account locked.

Tenant detail tab

  1. Click Save to save the tenant details.

After you create tenants, you can start adding users in IBM Process Mining. For more information, see the Creating users topic.

Managing tenants

After you create a tenant in the Tenant tab, you can click Edit edit icon corresponding to the tenant to open the Tenant details page and edit the details as required.

Tenant summary

When you edit a tenant, on the Tenant summary tab, you see the detailed view of resource consumption that is displayed with the following details:

Fields Description
Account name The account name of the use
Account username The account username of the user.
Account project list The list of organizations, projects, and the total event count of every project created in the account.

License usage