Operating system data properties

The operating system data properties check operating system prerequisites, such as version, architecture, total memory, available memory, and total physical memory. For Windows systems only, it uses the operating system VBScript collectors in the ips_root/lib directory, with the os prefix identifier in their file names. For UNIX systems only, it uses the UNIX operating system collectors in the ips_root/UNIX_Linux directory, with the os prefix identifier in their file names.

Table 1 outlines the operating system prerequisite properties. This category of prerequisite properties requires the os prefix identifier.
Table 1. Operating system data properties
Prerequisite property Platform Description Valid values


Checks the system architecture



Checks whether the automount features works

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether Windows Update is automatically enabled; returns True if enabled

Boolean value, for example:



Checks the amount of virtual memory that is available but unused by the operating system

The value can be any of the following types:
  • Numeric format in MBs, for example:
  • A range of positive integers in MBs to represent the minimum and recommended available memory, which is specified by using the - character, for example:
    The scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range.See Severity levels.


Checks the dir_name file system that is based on the following qualification attributes:

  • dir attribute, to determine which file system to check
  • type attribute, to determine which attribute of the file system to check, for example, the octal_digits octal digit representation for the access permissions to that file system

dir_name can represent for example:

  • tmp
  • home

String with the following qualifier format:


For example, to check whether the home directory has drwxr-xr-x permissions:

Note: This prerequisite property supports using the special character + in the expected value. See Table 1.

For example, to check whether the owner, groups, and other users have read, execute, and optionally write permissions to the home file system:


The check also passes when the octal digit representation is 777, because the + symbol is specified.


Checks the disk usage quota for the logged on user; returns the value for the quota in KBs or Unlimited

The value can be any of the following types:

  • Number to represent KBs, for example, 414000
  • String to represent an unlimited disk quota, for example, Unlimited


Checks whether Expect extension for TCL is available on the machine; returns Available if it has an available status

Note: The os.file.expect prerequisite property checks whether the Expect extension is installed on the machine.


Checks whether the binary_name binary is available on the machine. binary_name can represent any binary, for example:
  • bash
  • expect
  • gzip
  • tar

Boolean value, for example:


Checks whether the file_name file has the relevant specifications that are based on the following qualification attributes:

  • file attribute, to determine the name of the file to check; you can optionally specify the fully qualified path to the file if the path is not specified in the PATH environment variable.
  • type attribute, to determine which specification to check for the file as follows:
    • permission type checks the access permissions that are based on octal_digits octal digit representation for file permissions.
    • existence type checks whether the file exists in the specified path or PATH environment variable.

String with the following qualifier formats:


For example, to check whether the owner, groups, and other users have read and execute permissions to the nmap binary, when the path to the binary is set in the PATH environment variable:

Note: This qualifier format supports using the special character + in the expected value. See Table 1.

For example, to check whether the owner, groups, and other users have read, execute, and optionally write permissions to the nmap binary, when the path to the binary is not set in the PATH environment variable:


The check also passes when the octal digit representation is 777, because the + symbol is specified.


For example, to check whether the password file exists in the specified path:



The prerequisite property was grouped with other browser prerequisite properties and will be deprecated in a future release. See Browser data properties.



Checks the total size of the available page cache

Numeric format in MB or GBs, for example:

Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.


Checks whether the root user is listed in the ftpusers file that determines the users for whom FTP login privileges are no allowed; returns Available if the user is not listed



Checks whether the GNU tar utility is available on the machine; returns Available if it is installed



Checks whether the entries in /etc/host are in the correct format, for example:IP_Address Host_Name Short_Name_Alias1 [Short_Name_AliasN] where:
  • IP_Address is the IP for the machine, for example,
  • Host_Name is the fully qualified host name of the machine, for example, localhost.localdomain
  • Short_Name_Alias1 is the short name or DNS alias for the name, for example, localhost
  • Short_Name_AliasN are other aliases for that host

Boolean value, for example:

Linux PowerPC®

Checks whether the specified version of the IBM_lib_name IBM library is installed on the machine that is based on the following qualification attributes:

  • path_to_library, the fully qualified path to the library
  • version_number, the supported version

The qualification attributes are delimited by the semicolon character.

String in the following format:


For example:


Checks whether the specified interim fix or interim fixes are installed on the machine. When multiple interim fixes are specified, all interim fixes must be installed; otherwise the check fails.

Restriction: The prerequisite property has the following restrictions:
  • Ensure that there are no spaces between the commas in the comma-separated interim fix; otherwise, the check does not return a valid result.
  • The tool uses the emgr command and requires that the logged in user is a root user. If the logged in user is a non-root user, then the check fails.

String in the following format:

  • IV12342s01 to check whether the IV12342s01 interim fix is installed
  • IV12342s01,IV09002s11 to check whether both IV12342s01 and IV09002s11 interim fixes are installed


Checks the status of the asynchronous I/O (aio0), that is, the kernel process for enhancing I/O operation performance; returns Available if it has an available status



Checks whether 8.3 file name formats are being automatically applied; returns True if they are applied

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether the service_name service is running on the machine. service_name represents the valid Windows service name that does not contain spaces or the % character, for example:

  • LanmanServer, the service name for the Windows server service
  • RemoteRegistry, the service name for the Windows Remote Registry service
  • Dnscache, for the DNS Client service
  • TermService, for the Remote Desktop Services or Terminal Services

If you use spaces or an % character in the service_name suffix, the check logs a warning message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Attention: You must use the actual Windows service name. If you use the display name of the service as the service_name suffix, the scan assumes that the service is not running and returns False for the actual value and the check fails or passes depending on the expected value.

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether the daemon_name daemon or service is running on the machine. daemon_name represents the following daemon processes or services for which the tool checks:

  • SSHD for the sshd daemon process

The tool requires that the path to the following command, which checks the status of the daemon process or service, is set in the PATH environment variable:

  • On AIX systems: lssrc
  • On Linux systems: service
  • On HP-UX: ps
  • On Solaris: svcs
Note: If the tool runs the scan on a UNIX system that has the running daemon process or service, it returns a PASS result; otherwise, it returns a FAIL result.

Boolean value, for example:



Checks the processor architecture that supports the kernel or unrestricted mode



Checks whether the kernel parameters are available for the operating system



Checks whether the value for the setting_name kernel performance and tuning setting is specified on the target machine.

setting_name represents the kernel performance and tuning setting that is configured by using the sysctl command, for example:

  • kernel.threads-max, the maximum number of processes that are allowed on the system
  • net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range, the local IPv4 port range

If the setting_name kernel performance and tuning setting is not valid, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Restriction: The path to the sysctl binary must be set in the PATH environment variable; if the path is not set, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

String or numeric format depending on valid values for the specified setting, for example:

  • Numeric format, for example: 45728 when the kernel.threads-max setting or a setting that has a single numeric value is specified
    Note: The check supports using the special character, +, in the expected value. See Table 1.
  • String format with two numeric values to represent a range, for example: 1024 65535 when the net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range setting or a setting that has a specified range


Checks the release of the kernel for UNIX operating systems

String, for example:

  • For AIX 6.1, check for this kernel release only:
  • For HP-UX 11, check for this kernel release only: B.11.23
  • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, check for this kernel release only:
  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.0, check for this kernel release only: 2.6.32
  • For Solaris 10, check for this kernel release only: 5.10
Note: The check supports using the special characters + and * in the expected value. See Table 1.

For example:

  • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.x and 6.x, the tool returns a PASS result for 2.6 release or any of its later minor releases when the expected value is: 2.6.*
  • For AIX 6.1, the tool returns a PASS result for or later minor releases when the expected value is:


Checks for large file support

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable exists and ends with a colon, that is os.ldLibPath=[endsWith=:]



Checks whether the AIX operating system is greater than level 10 for AIX Version 5.3 or greater than level 3 for AIX Version 6.1

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether the lib_name library or set of libraries is installed on the machine, which can be further qualified by supported operating system architecture:

lib_name represents the name, and optionally version, of the library or set of libraries, for example:

  • libstdc++.so.version_number
  • os.lib.libXft.so
  • bos.loc.iso.en_us

_32|64 represents an optional qualification attribute to check whether the library or set of libraries exists for a 32-bit or 64-bit architecture, for example:

  • os.lib.libXp.so.version_number_32
  • os.lib.libXft.so_64

The value can be any of the following types:

String requiring an exact match, for example:

  • /usr/lib/libXft.so is the value. The tool checks whether libXft.so library exists in the /usr/lib/ directory.
  • /usr/lib/libXp.so.6 is the value. The tool checks whether the 32-bit libXtst.so.6 library exists in the /usr/lib/ directory, where os.lib.libXp.so.6_32 is the prerequisite property name.
regex {str}, a regular expression with the input parameter, str, representing the search pattern for the library name, for example:
Checks whether the libXft.so library exists on the machine.

By default, the tool checks for a 32-bit library. To have the tool explicitly check for the 64-bit library, use the optional OS architecture qualification attribute in the prerequisite property name, for example, os.lib.libXft_64.

The tool returns a FAIL result if the scan finds the 64-bit library, but no OS architecture qualification attribute is specified in the prerequisite property name.



Checks whether there is an entry in the hosts file that maps the local host to the IP address, for example:       localhost

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether the default paths for the root user are set in the PATH and SUPATH variables; returns Available if they are set



Check whether /export/home/maximo directory is available



Checks the owner of the /export/home/maximo directory



Checks the maximum number of processes that can run for each user

Number, for example, 2048



The prerequisite property was grouped with other browser prerequisite properties. See Browser data properties.  


Checks whether the file system is mounted based on the following qualification attributes:

  • drive attribute, to determine which directory is the mounted file system
  • nosuid attribute, to determine whether the mount option is set if the file system is mounted

String with the following qualifier format:


For example, to check whether /home directory is mounted and the nosuid option is not set:



Checks whether the value for the parameter_name network option tunable parameter is specified on the target machine.

parameter_name represents the network option tunable parameter that is configured by using the no command, for example:

  • sb_max, the upper limit on the number of socket buffers queued to an individual socket

If the parameter_name network option tunable parameter is not valid, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Restriction: The path to the no binary must be set in the PATH environment variable; if the path is not set, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Numeric format, for example:

  • 6192000 when the sb_max setting is specified
    Note: The check supports using the special characters + in the expected value. See Table 1.

os.package.package_name prerequisite properties

Prerequisite Scanner has two variants of the os.package.package_name property:
  • os.package.package_name that checks whether the specified package or the version of the package is installed.
  • os.package.package_name[lower_range-upper_range] that checks whether a version within a specified range is installed.

You can specify both variants in the same configuration file.



Checks that the supported version of the package_name package is installed on the machine.

String to represent package_name, for example, in bold:

  • bash shell
  • expect for the TCL extension package
  • libgcc for GCC low-level runtime package
  • openssh for the Open Source Secure Shell
  • openssl for the Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS
  • perl for the Perl scripting package
  • rpm for the RPM or RPM Build packages
  • telnet for the Telnet package
  • wget for the GNU file retrieval package
Restriction: On HP-UX systems only, the tool uses the following command and flag, swlist -l, to retrieve the list of installed packages. This command requires that the logged in user has at least super user access. If the logged in user is non-root user, then the check fails.

String to represent the required version that must be installed, for example:

  • bash-3.2 for bash shell
  • expect-1.2.0 for Expect
  • libgcc-3.4.3-9 for libgcc
  • openssh- for OpenSSH
  • openssl-4.2.0 for OpenSSL
  • perl-5.8.2 for Perl
  • rpm
  • telnet
  • wget
Note: This variant of the prerequisite property supports using the special character + or - in the expected value. For example:
  • bash-3.2+

    If the expected value is bash-3.2+, then the scan returns a PASS result if the actual value is 3.2.48.

  • bash-3.2-

    If the expected value is bash-3.2-, then the scan returns a PASS result if the actual value is 3.1.

  • bash-

    If the expected value is bash-, then the scan returns a PASS result if no version of the Bash package is installed; otherwise, it returns a FAIL result if any version of the Bash package is installed.



Checks whether the package_name package within the specified version range is installed on the machine.

package_name represents the short name of the package and [lower_range-upper_range] represents the version range.

Examples of package_name include:

  • libgcc, short package name for GCC low-level runtime package
  • gtk, short package name for the GIMP Toolkit
Restriction: On HP-UX systems only, the tool uses the following command and flag, swlist -l, to retrieve the list of installed packages. This command requires that the logged in user has at least super user access. If the logged in user is a non-root user, then the check fails.
  • String to represent the short package name and version range, for example:
    Tip: Although no validation occurs to check whether the range qualifier [lower_range-upper_range] is the same as the expected range, you should use the same range on either side of the equals symbol, otherwise unexpected results might occur.


Checks the pagesize of the system.

Numeric format in KBs, for example:

Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.

Checks whether the required page size is enabled on the computer that is based on the following segments:

  • small, to represent 4 KB page size
  • medium, to represent 64 KB page size
  • large, to represent 16 MB page size
  • supreme, to represent 16 GB page size
Strings to represent valid page size segments:
  • small
  • medium
  • large
  • supreme


Checks the RAM that the operating system can access and report on the machine, which might be less than the actual number of GBs of installed RAM that is dependent on the operating system type

The value can be any of the following types:
  • Numeric format in GBs, for example:
  • A range of positive integers in GBs to represent the minimum and recommended RAM size, which is specified by using the - character, for example:
    The scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range.See Severity levels.

Checks whether the key_value value for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey has specified value data in the Windows Registry, which is based on the following qualification attributes:

  • path attribute, to determine which path for the subkey to check, for example, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
  • keyValue attribute, to determine which key value to check for the subkey, for example, DisplayVersion, or Domain

user_defined_id represents a unique identifier suffix to support multiple prerequisite properties that check the same key value but for different subkeys.

The prerequisite property supports the following data types for the key value data:
  • REG_SZ
  • REG_DWORD as a decimal value
  • REG_MULTI_SZ as a set of strings, each terminated by a null character, and a final null character to flag the end of the expected value; for example, SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege\0SeAuditPrivilege\0SeChangeNotifyPrivilege\0SeCreateGlobalPrivilege\0SeDebugPrivilege\0SeImpersonatePrivilege\0SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege\0\0
Restriction: This prerequisite property supports subkeys of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE root key only.

String with the following qualifier format for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey:


For example, to check whether the 1433 and 1434 ports are specified for the ReservedPorts key value that is associated with the SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters subkey:


For example, to check whether a set of privileges was specified for the RequiredPrivileges key value that is associated with the SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\COMSysApp subkey:



The prerequisite property was grouped with other browser prerequisite properties and will be deprecated in a future release. See Browser data properties.



Checks the enforcement status of the Security-Enhancement Linux feature that is based on the following qualification attributes:

  • source attribute, to determine the command to use for the relevant operating system

The value can be any of the following types:

  • String with the following qualifier format:
    For example, to check whether the feature is disabled or has a permissive status on either Red Hat or SUSE operating system:
  • String without a qualifier, where the operating system is a generic Linux variant:


Checks the current version of the service pack that is installed

Numeric format, with majorVersion.minorVersion or the majorVersion version only

For example, to check whether service pack 2 or later is installed, 2+

Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.


Checks the current version of the service pack that is installed

The value can be any of the following types:

  • String with technologyLevel only, servicePack only, or a combination

    For example, on AIX to check whether Technology Level 4 or higher and service pack 2 or higher is installed:


    For example, on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to check whether service pack 2 or higher is installed:

  • Numeric format, with majorVersion.minorVersion or the majorVersion version only

    For example, to check whether service pack 2 or later is installed, 2+

Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.

Checks whether the TCP port for the service_type service or a TCP port from the specified range of ports is absent from the /etc/services file. service_type refers to a user-defined name for the service; for example, os.servicesTCPavailablePorts.db2c_db2inst1_tcp_port checks whether the TCP port for the db2c_db2inst1 service is absent, where service_type is db2inst1_tcp_port.

The scan returns the PortsInUse: prefix and list of ports in use in the file, as the actual value. If the expected port is not in the list, then the port is available.

Single positive integers, for example:


A range of positive integers that is specified by using the - character or a comma-separated list, for example:

  • os.servicesTCPavailablePorts.db2_tcp_port=50000-50005
  • os.servicesTCPavailablePorts.db2_tcp_port=50000,50005

Checks whether the UDP port for the service_type service or a UDP port from the specified range of ports is absent from the /etc/services file. service_type refers to a user-defined name for the service; for example, os.servicesUDPavailablePorts.objcall_udp_port checks whether the UDP port for the objcall Tivoli® Management Framework daemon service is absent, where service_type is objcall_udp_port.

The scan returns the PortsInUse: prefix and list of ports in use in the file, as the actual value. If the expected port is not in the list, then the port is available.

Single positive integers, for example:


A range of positive integers that is specified by using the - character or a comma-separated list, for example:

  • os.servicesUDPavailablePorts.service_type=712-728
  • os.servicesUDPavailablePorts.service_type=712,728

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Checks whether the default system shell is installed

String to represent the default system shell, for example, bash

os.space.dir_name prerequisite properties

Prerequisite Scanner has three variants of the os.space.dir_name property:
  • os.space.dir_name that checks whether there is enough available disk space for the specified file system regardless of whether the logged in user is root or not.
    Use this prerequisite property variant when:
    • You want to check the specified path of the file system, but it does not matter whether the logged in user is root or not.
    • You want to check different file system paths for both user types, but the disk space requirements are the same for both user types.
    Note: You cannot use this variant twice for the same file system but different user types in a single configuration file; instead use a combination of the other two variants.
  • os.space.dir_name_nonroot that checks whether there is enough available disk space for the specified file system of the non-root user.

    Use this prerequisite property variant when you are logged in as a non-root user, and you want to explicitly check the specified path for the file system.

    Note: The non-root user should be the same user that installs the product on the target system.
  • os.space.dir_name_root that checks whether there is enough available disk space for the specified file system of the root user.

    Use this prerequisite property variant when you are logged in as a root user, and you want to explicitly check the specified path for the file system.

You can specify os.space.dir_name_nonroot and os.space.dir_name_root variants in the same configuration file. Prerequisite Scanner outputs NOT_REQ_CHECK_ID in the actual results cell for the non-applicable variant. For example, if the logged in user is root, Prerequisite Scanner outputs NOT_REQ_CHECK_ID for the os.space.dir_name_nonroot variant.

The dir_path value for the dir qualification attribute that specifies the file system can have any of the following formats:
  • Fully qualified path, for example, /usr/ibm/common/acsi
  • An environment variable for the file system that was set on the target system, for example, $TEMP or $TMP
    Note: If the $TEMP or $TMP environment variables are not set on the machine, Prerequisite Scanner uses /tmp as the default value. If you want to specify another file system, set the environment variable with a non-default value, and run the scan again. After the scan is run, the tool displays a message that it used the default value for the environment variable.
  • A path that includes an environment variable, for example, /opt/IBM/$WASPROFILE or $HOME/IBM/app1


Checks the available disk space for the specified dir_name file system that is based on one or more of the following qualification attributes:

  • dir attribute, to determine which path to the file system to check
  • unit attribute, to determine which units for disk space to use

The value for dir attribute is dependent on the logged on user; thus, the value is a name-value pair to represent the user type, that is, root or non-root, and the associated path.

dir_name can represent for example:
  • home
  • opt
  • tmp
  • usr
  • var
Note: You cannot use this variant twice for the same file system but different user types in a single configuration file. Use a combination of the os.space.dir_name_nonroot and os.space.dir_name_root variants.

When a range is specified for the expected disk space value, that is, minimum_value-recommended_value, the scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range. See Severity levels.

String with the following qualifier format for the file system of a root user:

[dir:root=dir_path, unit:unit_name]disk_space|minimum_value-recommended_value 
For example:

String with the following qualifier format for the file system of a non-root user:

[dir:non_root=dir_path, unit:unit_name]disk_space|minimum_value-recommended_value
For example:
String with the following qualifier format for the file system of both users, by using only one qualifier:
For example:
Numeric format in MB or GBs, for example:
A range of positive integers in MBs or GBs to represent the minimum and recommended disk space, which is specified by using the - character, for example:


Checks the available disk space for the dir_name file system of the non-root user, which is based on one or more of the following qualification attributes:

  • dir attribute, to determine which path to the file system to check
  • unit attribute, to determine which units for disk space to use
dir_name can represent for example:
  • home
  • opt
  • tmp
  • usr
  • var

When a range is specified for the expected disk space value, that is, minimum_value-recommended_value, the scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range. See Severity levels.

String with the following qualifier format for the file system of a non-root user:

[dir:non_root=dir_path, unit:unit_name]disk_space|minimum_value-recommended_value
For example:

String with the dir qualification attribute only for the file system of a non-root user:

For example:


Checks the available disk space for the dir_name file system of the root user, which is based on one or more of the following qualification attributes:

  • dir attribute, to determine which path to the file system to check
  • unit attribute, to determine which units for disk space to use
dir_name can represent for example:
  • home
  • opt
  • tmp
  • usr
  • var

When a range is specified for the expected disk space value, that is, minimum_value-recommended_value, the scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range. See Severity levels.

String with the following qualifier format for the file system of a root user:

[dir:root=dir_path, unit:unit_name]disk_space|minimum_value-recommended_value 
For example:

String with the dir qualification attribute only for the file system of a root user:

For example:


Checks whether permitted root login is configured for SSH daemon sessions



Checks whether the swap space must be greater than the RAM size or the total amount of swap space

Note: On AIX systems only: If you are logged in as a non-root user, you must have permissions to run the bootinfo command; otherwise, the returned results might be unexpected.
The value can be any of the following types:
  • Boolean value, for example:
  • Numeric format in MBs or GBs, for example: 2GB
  • A range of positive integers in MBs or GBs to represent the minimum and recommended swap size, which is specified by using the - character, for example:
    The scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range.See Severity levels.


Checks access permissions that are assigned to the /tmp file system, including any specific permissions that are set by access-right flags, for example, sticky, setuid, or setgid bits in the octal digits.

Number to represent the octal_digits octal digits for the access permissions.

For example, to check whether the temp directory has drwxrwxrwt permissions with the sticky bit permission is enabled:


As another example, to check whether the temp directory has drwxrwxrwx permissions excluding the sticky bit:



The total amount of virtual memory to which the operating system can access

The value can be any of the following types:
  • Numeric format in MBs or GBs, for example:
  • A range of positive integers in MBs or GBs to represent the minimum and recommended total virtual memory, which is specified by using the - character, for example:
    The scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range. See Severity levels.


The total amount of physical memory that the operating system can access, but it does not indicate the true amount of physical memory on the target computer

The value can be any of the following types:
  • Numeric format in MBs or GBs, for example:
  • A range of positive integers in MBs or GBs to represent the minimum and recommended total physical memory, which is specified by using the - character, for example:
    The scan sets a different severity level and returns a different result depending on whether the actual value is below, within, or above the specified range. See Severity levels.


Checks whether User Account Control (UAC) is enabled on the target computer

Note: If the tool runs the scan on a Windows system that does not have this security component, it returns a FAIL result, with [Not Found] as the actual value.

Boolean value, for example:



Checks whether an unlimited number of processes can be run based on the following qualification attributes:

  • type attribute, to determine which additional limit to check, for example, the filedescriptorlimit checks the limit for the number of file descriptors that processes can open
Alternatively it checks whether the following limits were set for the specified domains in the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
root			- 	stack 		unlimited
ctginst1	- 	stack 		unlimited
root			- 	nofile 		8192
tioadmin	- 	nofile 		32767

The value can be any of the following types:

  • String with the following qualifier format:
    For example, to check whether the file descriptor limit is greater than 8192, with unlimited number of processes:
    Valid types of limits to check, where limit_name represents the type of limit are as follows:
    • ALL, checks all limits
    • corefilesizelimit
    • datasegmentlimit
    • filedescriptorlimit
    • filesizelimit
    • hardlimit
    • processlimit
    • maxmemorysizelimit
    • maxprocesseslimit
    • stacksizelimit
    • threadlimit
  • Available|Unavailable to specify whether the relevant domains have limit sets in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.


Checks the permissions for the file mode creation mask

Number to represent the octal_digits octal digits for the access permissions. For example, to check that new files are only writeable for the owner, set the octal digit to be 0022



Checks whether the maximum stack size is unlimited; returns Available if it is unlimited

All The full name and version of the operating system that is running on the machine; alternatively, you can use a regular expression to pass a string that represents the multiple variants of an operating system.
Tip: Use this prerequisite property in conjunction with os.servicePack (Windows) or os.ServicePack (UNIX), and os.architecture to check the current service pack and system architecture.
Note: This prerequisite property supersedes the OS Version prerequisite property that will be deprecated in a future release.
The value can be any of the following types:
  • String that can represent multiple versions, with each version separated by a comma, for example:
    RedHat Enterprise Linux6.*,SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer 11,SUSE LinuxEnterprise Server 10,
    SUSE Linux EnterpriseServer 9,AIX V6.1,AIX V5.3
    Restriction: On Windows systems, the * wildcard is only supported within a regular expression.
  • regex{str}, a regular expression with the input parameter, str, representing the search pattern for the version, for example:
    regex{Windows 200[3-8]}
    Checks whether the actual OS matches any version from Windows 2003 to Windows 2008.
    regex{Red Hat*.*}
    Checks whether the actual OS matches a variant of Red Hat Linux.
Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.


Checks the current version of the operating system that is installed on the machine

Numeric format, for example, 5.0+

Note: The values can use the special characters as outlined in Table 1.


Checks whether the value for the parameter_name Virtual Memory Manager tuning parameter is specified on the target machine.

parameter_name represents the Virtual Memory Manager tuning parameter that is configured by using the vmo command, for example:

  • maxclient%, the maximum number of client pages that can be used for buffer cache if the strict_maxclient parameter is set to 1, which is the default value
  • minperm%, the point below which the page-stealer will steal file or computational pages regardless of repaging rates

If the parameter_name Virtual Memory Manager tuning parameter is not valid, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Restriction: The path to the vmo binary must be set in the PATH environment variable; if the path is not set, the check logs an error message. It returns Not Found for the actual value and the check fails.

Numeric format, for example:

  • 80 when the maxclient% setting is specified
    Note: The check supports using the special characters + in the expected value. See Table 1.


Checks whether GNOME or KDE is available as a graphical desktop
