Configuring email

Cloud administrators and project managers can configure PowerVC to send email notifications when events occur. To set up your email server, go to the Configuration page of the PowerVC user interface and click Email Server.

To configure your email settings, select Enable email notifications, then specify the configuration settings.
Note: To configure which emails to send by default, and what the contents of the subject and body are for those emails, use the Email Templates configuration page. Additionally, each user can configure the emails that they want to receive through the Email Preferences configuration page, which is found on the menu bar, by selecting your user name, then selecting Email Preferences.

The email server configuration page specifies which SMTP server to send emails through and which email address to use to send emails. All email configuration settings are for the current project only.

There are two types of emails: administrator and user. Administrators and project managers receive the administrator emails for the project, while self-service users receive only user emails pertaining to their own resources. The recipient list of an email is determined based on a user’s role and the email address that is retrieved from the LDAP directory for that user. If LDAP is not used, only the addresses in Email recipients receive administrator emails and no users receive user emails.