Accessing the ASMI by using an ASCII terminal

The ASCII terminal is connected to the server through a serial link. The ASCII interface to the ASMI provides a subset of the web interface functions. The ASCII terminal is available only when the system is in the platform standby state. It is not available during the initial program load (IPL) or run time.

About this task

This connection also allows you to access the system management services. Use the system management services menus to view information about your system and to perform steps such as changing the boot list and setting the network installation parameters.

To set up the ASCII terminal for direct or remote access to the ASMI, complete the following steps:


  1. By using a serial cable that is equipped with a null modem, connect the ASCII terminal to system connector 1 (P1-T1, which is the default) or 2 (P1-T2) on the rear of the server.
  2. Connect the power cord from the server to a power source.
  3. Wait for the green light on the control panel to start flashing.
  4. Ensure that your ASCII terminal is set to the following general attributes.

    These attributes are the default settings for the diagnostic programs. Be sure that your terminal is set according to these attributes before proceeding to the next step.

    Table 1. Default settings for the diagnostic programs
    General setup attributes 3151 /11/31/41 settings 3151 /51/61 settings 3161 /64 settings Description
    Line speed 19,200 19,200 19,200 Uses the 19,200 (bits per second) line speed to communicate with the system unit.
    Word length (bits) 8 8 8 Selects 8 bits as a data word length (byte).
    Parity No No No Does not add a parity bit and is used together with the word length attribute to form the 8–bit data word (byte).
    Stop bit 1 1 1 Places a bit after a data word (byte).
  5. Press a key on the ASCII terminal to allow the service processor to confirm the presence of the ASCII terminal.
  6. When the login display appears for the ASMI, enter admin for the user ID and password.
  7. Change the default password when you are prompted.

    You have completed the setup for an ASCII terminal, and have started the ASMI.

  8. On the ASMI, change the time of day on the server.
  9. Set the system boot mode to boot by using the power on/off system menus on the ASMI.
  10. If an operating system is installed (for example, in the factory), the operating system now boots. If no operating system is installed, the system boots to system management services (SMS menus).
    Note: Use the SMS menus to view information about your system and to perform tasks, such as changing the boot list and setting the network installation parameters.
  11. If the operating system is not installed, you can install the AIX® operating system or the Linux® operating system now.