Cabling the 9080-M9S system

Use this information to cable the 9080-M9S system.

When you cable the 9080-M9S system with more than one system node in the configuration, you must connect the system nodes to each other, and you must connect each system node to the system control unit.

The following diagrams help you to understand port-to-port cabling between components. Use these diagrams with the tables that follow. To avoid connection issues, use the specified length of cable for each connection. If you identify a cabling problem, use the Exchange FRU procedure on the Hardware Management Console to remove and replace cables.

Note: In the following information, SC1 indicates the system control unit, and ND1 through ND4 indicate system node 1 through system node 4.

Service Processor (FSP) cabling

Figure 1. Service processor (FSP) cabling
Service processor cabling
Table 1. Service processor (FSP) cabling details
Drawer Cable Cable Length From To
ND4 (top) A 1330 mm (4.36 ft) SC1-P1-T7 ND4-P1-C9-T2
B 1330 mm (4.36 ft) SC1-P1-T9 ND4-P1-C10-T2
ND3 A 1110 mm (3.64 ft) SC1-P1-T6 ND3-P1-C9-T2
B 1110 mm (3.64 ft) SC1-P1-T8 ND3-P1-C10-T2
ND2 A 855 mm (2.81 ft) SC1-P1-T2 ND2-P1-C9-T2
B 855 mm (2.81 ft) SC1-P1-T4 ND2-P1-C10-T2
ND1 (bottom) A 355 mm (1.16 ft) SC1-P1-T3 ND1-P1-C9-T2
B 355 mm (1.16 ft) SC1-P1-T5 ND1-P1-C10-T2

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with two system nodes

Figure 2. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with two system nodes. Each connection that is shown in the diagram represents a pair of SMP cables.
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with two system nodes
Table 2. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling details for a system with two system nodes
Cable Cable type and length From To
5C Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND1-P1-T1 ND2-P1-T1
5D Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND1-P1-T2 ND2-P1-T2
6C Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T7 ND2-P1-T7
6D Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T8 ND2-P1-T8
5A Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T9 ND2-P1-T9
5B Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T10 ND2-P1-T10
6A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND1-P1-T15 ND2-P1-T15
6B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND1-P1-T16 ND2-P1-T16
6W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND1-P1-T17 ND2-P1-T17
6X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND1-P1-T18 ND2-P1-T18
5W Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T23 ND2-P1-T23
5X Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T24 ND2-P1-T24
6Y Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T25 ND2-P1-T25
6Z Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND1-P1-T26 ND2-P1-T26
5Y Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND1-P1-T31 ND2-P1-T31
5Z Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND1-P1-T32 ND2-P1-T32

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with three system nodes

Figure 3. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with three system nodes. Each connection that is shown in the diagram represents a pair of SMP cables.
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with three system nodes
Table 3. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling details for a system with three system nodes
Cable Cable type and length From To
5C Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T1 ND2-P1-T1
5D Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T2 ND2-P1-T2
3C Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T7 ND1-P1-T1
3D Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T8 ND1-P1-T2
5A Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T9 ND2-P1-T9
5B Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T10 ND2-P1-T10
3A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T15 ND1-P1-T9
3B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T16 ND1-P1-T10
3W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T17 ND1-P1-T23
3X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T18 ND1-P1-T24
5W Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T23 ND2-P1-T23
5X Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T24 ND2-P1-T24
3Y Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T25 ND1-P1-T31
3Z Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T26 ND1-P1-T32
5Y Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T31 ND2-P1-T31
5Z Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T32 ND2-P1-T32
6C Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T7 ND1-P1-T7
6D Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T8 ND1-P1-T8
6A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T15 ND1-P1-T15
6B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T16 ND1-P1-T16
6W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T17 ND1-P1-T17
6X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T18 ND1-P1-T18
6Y Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T25 ND1-P1-T25
6Z Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T26 ND1-P1-T26

Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with four system nodes

Figure 4. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with four system nodes. Each connection that is shown in the diagram represents a pair of SMP cables.
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling for a system with four system nodes
Table 4. Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cabling details for a system with four system nodes
Cable Cable type and length From To
Cables originating on ND4
2C Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T1 ND2-P1-T3
2D Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T2 ND2-P1-T4
4C Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND4-P1-T3 ND3-P1-T3
4D Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND4-P1-T4 ND3-P1-T4
1C Brown key 1425 mm (4.7 ft) ND4-P1-T7 ND1-P1-T3
1D Brown key 1425 mm (4.7 ft) ND4-P1-T8 ND1-P1-T4
2A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T9 ND2-P1-T11
2B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T10 ND2-P1-T12
4A Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND4-P1-T11 ND3-P1-T11
4B Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND4-P1-T12 ND3-P1-T12
1A Gray key 1625 mm (5.3 ft) ND4-P1-T15 ND1-P1-T11
1B Gray key 1625 mm (5.3 ft) ND4-P1-T16 ND1-P1-T12
1W Gray key 1625 mm (5.3 ft) ND4-P1-T17 ND1-P1-T21
1X Gray key 1625 mm (5.3 ft) ND4-P1-T18 ND1-P1-T22
4W Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND4-P1-T21 ND3-P1-T21
4X Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND4-P1-T22 ND3-P1-T22
2W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T23 ND2-P1-T21
2X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T24 ND2-P1-T22
1Y Brown key 1425 mm (4.7 ft) ND4-P1-T25 ND1-P1-T29
1Z Brown key 1425 mm (4.7 ft) ND4-P1-T26 ND1-P1-T30
4Y Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND4-P1-T29 ND3-P1-T29
4Z Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND4-P1-T30 ND3-P1-T30
2Y Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T31 ND2-P1-T29
2Z Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND4-P1-T32 ND2-P1-T30
Cables originating on ND3
5C Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T1 ND2-P1-T1
5D Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T2 ND2-P1-T2
3C Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T7 ND1-P1-T1
3D Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T8 ND1-P1-T2
5A Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T9 ND2-P1-T9
5B Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T10 ND2-P1-T10
3A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T15 ND1-P1-T9
3B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T16 ND1-P1-T10
3W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T17 ND1-P1-T23
3X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T18 ND1-P1-T24
5W Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T23 ND2-P1-T23
5X Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND3-P1-T24 ND2-P1-T24
3Y Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T25 ND1-P1-T31
3Z Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND3-P1-T26 ND1-P1-T32
5Y Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T31 ND2-P1-T31
5Z Yellow key 880 mm (2.9 ft) ND3-P1-T32 ND2-P1-T32
Cables originating on ND2
6C Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T7 ND1-P1-T7
6D Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T8 ND1-P1-T8
6A Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T15 ND1-P1-T15
6B Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T16 ND1-P1-T16
6W Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T17 ND1-P1-T17
6X Blue key1225 mm (4.01 ft) ND2-P1-T18 ND1-P1-T18
6Y Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T25 ND1-P1-T25
6Z Orange key1005 mm (3.3 ft) ND2-P1-T26 ND1-P1-T26

Universal power interface (UPIC) cabling for a system with a single system node

Figure 5. UPIC cabling for a system with a single system node
Single Node Configuration UPIC Cabling
Table 5. UPIC cabling details for a system with a single system node
Cable number From To
1 SC1: P1-C1-T1 ND1: P1-C9-T1
2 SC1: P1-C2-T1 ND1: P1-C10-T1

Universal power interface (UPIC) cabling for a system with multiple system nodes

Figure 6. UPIC cabling for a system with multiple system nodes
Two, Three, or Four Node Configuration UPIC Cabling
Table 6. UPIC cabling details for a system with multiple system nodes
Cable From To
1 SC1: P1-C1-T1 ND1: P1-C9-T1
2 SC1: P1-C2-T1 ND2: P1-C10-T1