Virtual Persistent Memory Volume

The virtual persistent memory volume application programming interface (API) manages all the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)-based memory volumes, which are managed by the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

For HMC Version 9.940.0, or later, the virtual persistent memory volume can be assigned only to an AIX® or Linux® partition. The APIs provide the following management functions:
  • Creation of persistent memory volumes and assigning these volumes to the logical partition.
  • Query the list of all persistent memory volumes that are available in the managed system.
  • Query the list of all persistent memory volumes that are assigned to a logical partition.
  • Rename a persistent memory volume.
  • Remove a persistent memory volume from the managed system.
The following major attributes are available in the virtual persistent memory volume:
  • Name: User-defined name of the persistent memory volume. The name must be unique for each managed system.
  • Size: The size of the persistent memory volume in megabytes (MB).
  • CurrentSize: The persistent memory volume size that is currently allocated by the power hypervisor.
  • VolumeId: Unique volume ID maintained by the power hypervisor.
  • UUID: uuid of the persistent memory volume.
  • Affinity: Affinity of the persistent memory volume. By default, the value is set to false.
  • AssociatedPartitionName: The name of the logical partition to which the persistent memory volume is assigned.
  • AssociatedPartitionId: The ID of the logical partition to which the persistent memory volume is assigned.
  • AssociatedPartition: Link (href) to the logical partition to which the persistent memory volume is assigned.


This API provides information about all the persistent memory volumes that exist on the managed system that are specified by a ManagedSystem_uuid:
Table 1. Supported methods
Method Description Internet media type
GET Fetch all the persistent memory volume in the managed system. N/A
PUT Create a new persistent memory volume and assign it to a logical partition that is associated with a managed system. The logical partition must be in an inactive state. application/; type=VirtualPersistentMemoryVolume
This API lists persistent memory volumes that are assigned to the logical partition that are specified by a Partition_id
Table 2. Supported methods
Method Description Internet media type
GET Fetch the list about all the persistent memory volumes that are assigned to the logical partition. N/A
This API provides information about a single persistent memory volume that is specified by the VirtualPersistentMemoryVolume_uid:
Table 3. Supported methods
Method Description Internet media type
GET Fetch information of a single persistent memory volume. N/A
POST Update the information about the persistent memory volume for a logical partition. Currently, only the name of the persistent memory volume can be updated. application/; type=VirtualPersistentMemoryVolume
DELETE Remove a persistent memory volume from the managed system. The logical partition to which the persistent memory volume is attached to must be in an inactive state. N/A