Restoring your server to factory settings

Restore firmware settings, network configuration, and passwords to their factory defaults.

About this task

You can reset all the factory settings on your server to the factory default settings, or you can choose to reset specific settings by using the following options:
  • Reset all settings
  • Reset the service processor settings
  • Reset the server firmware settings
  • Reset the PCI bus configuration
If you choose to reset all settings, all three of these actions are performed resulting in the service processor settings, the server firmware settings, and the PCI bus configuration being reset in one operation.
Note: If redundant service processors are installed and enabled, whichever type of reset operation that you perform on the primary service processor will also be performed on the secondary service processor.
Attention: Reset your server settings to the factory default only when directed by your service provider. Before you reset all settings, make sure you have manually recorded all settings that need to be preserved. This operation can be performed only if the identical level of firmware exists on both the permanent firmware boot side, also known as the P side, and the temporary firmware boot side, also known as the T side.

Resetting the service processor settings results in the loss of all system settings (such as the HMC access and ASMI passwords, time of day, network configuration, and hardware deconfiguration policies) that you may have set through user interfaces.

Attention: Resetting the server firmware settings results in the loss of all of the partition data that is stored on the service processor.
Resetting the PCI bus configuration results in the following sequence of events:
  • The service processor instructs the server firmware to power on and enter into a standby state.
  • When the server firmware has entered into the standby state, the PCI bus configuration settings are cleared.
  • The server firmware then powers off and the service processor is in the standby state.
Attention: Resetting all settings results in the loss of system settings as described for each option in the preceding paragraphs. Also, you will lose the system error logs and partition-related information.
To restore factory default settings, you must have one of the following authority levels:
  • Administrator
  • Authorized service provider
Note: You can only change the time of day when the system is powered off.

To restore factory default settings, complete the following steps:


  1. On the ASMI Welcome pane, specify your user ID and password, and click Log In.
  2. In the navigation area, expand System Service Aids.
  3. Select Factory Configuration.
  4. Select the options that you want to restore to factory settings.
  5. Click Continue. The service processor reboots after all settings have been reset.