HMC Manual Reference Pages  - CHHMCFS (1)


chhmcfs - free up space in HMC file systems


See Also


chhmcfs -o f {-d days | -h hours | -s size}
[-f file-system] [--help]


chhmcfs frees up space in Hardware Management Console (HMC) file systems. Space is freed by removing temporary HMC files that are used for HMC and managed system firmware problem analysis from the HMC hard disk.

This command can free up space in the following file systems: /var, /var/hsc/log, /dump, /extra, /data, and /. The temporary files that can be removed from the /var and /var/hsc/log file systems include HMC trace and log files. The temporary files that can be removed from the /dump file system include managed system dumps, managed frame dumps, and debug data collected using the HMC pedbg command. The temporary files that can be removed from the /extra file system include managed system dumps and managed frame dumps. The temporary files that can be removed from the /data file system include HMC Java core dump and heap dump files, and service files called home with serviceable events.

This command will not remove temporary HMC trace and log files that are in use.


-o The operation to perform. The only valid value is f to free up file system disk space by removing temporary HMC files from the hard disk.
-d Remove temporary HMC files which have not been modified during the specified number of days prior to now.

If 0 is specified with this option, all temporary HMC files will be removed.

Specifying -d 1 is equivalent to specifying -h 24.

The -d, -h, and -s options are mutually exclusive.

-h Remove temporary HMC files which have not been modified during the specified number of hours prior to now.

If 0 is specified with this option, all temporary HMC files will be removed.

The -d, -h, and -s options are mutually exclusive.

-s Remove temporary HMC files, starting with the oldest file, to free up to size megabytes in each file system.

The -d, -h, and -s options are mutually exclusive.

-f The file system from which to remove files. Valid values are /var, /var/hsc/log, /dump, /extra, /data, and /.

If this option is omitted, files will be removed from all file systems that have temporary HMC files that can be removed.

--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


Remove temporary HMC files which have not been modified during the last day (24 hours) from all file systems:

chhmcfs -o f -d 1

Remove all temporary HMC files from all file systems:

chhmcfs -o f -d 0

Remove temporary HMC files which have not been modified during the last 36 hours from the /var file system:

chhmcfs -o f -h 36 -f /var

Remove temporary HMC files from the /dump file system to free up to 100 MB:

chhmcfs -o f -s 100 -f /dump






IBM Austin



Linux CHHMCFS (1) November 2020
Generated by manServer 1.07 from chhmcfs.1 using man macros.