Exporting data

The Export Data option exports the Performance and Capacity Monitor (PCM) data metrics that are collected for the specified time. You can export the Performance and Capacity Monitor data metrics that is displayed in the dashboard into a folder on your local system.

You can export data metrics by accessing the HMC.

To export data metrics for one or more server, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following navigation options depending on the interface type of the Hardware Management Console (HMC):
    • If you are using an HMC Classic interface, complete the following steps:
      1. In the navigation pane, expand Systems Management > Servers.
      2. Select the server.
      3. From the Tasks pane, click Performance. The Performance and Capacity Monitor home page is displayed with the information for that server.
      4. Click Data Collection > Export Data.

      The HMC Classic interface is not supported in Hardware Management Console (HMC) Version 8.7.0, or later. The functions that were previously available in the HMC Classic interface are now available in the HMC Enhanced+ interface.

    • If you are using an HMC Enhanced+ interface or if the HMC is at version 8.7.0, or later, complete the following steps:
      1. In the navigation pane, click the Resources icon .
      2. Click All Systems. The All Systems page is displayed.
      3. Select the server for which you want to view the performance data.
      4. Click Actions.
      5. Click Performance Data Collection > Export Data.
    The Performance and Capacity Monitor home page is displayed with the information for that system.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the Performance and Capacity Monitor section, click the Data Collection menu.
  3. Click Export Data. The Export Data page is displayed.
  4. The data collection can be turned on or turned off using the toggle switch in the Data Collection menu.
  5. Select the feed by which you want to export the performance metrics.

    PCM metrics have the following rollup or aggregation frequency and retention period:

    • Tier 0 level - The aggregation frequency is 30 seconds and the retention period is 2 hours.
    • Tier 1 level - The aggregation frequency is 5 minutes and the retention period is 24 hours.
    • Tier 2 level - The aggregation frequency is 2 hours and the retention period is 7 days.
    • Tier 3 level - The aggregation frequency is 24 hours and the retention period is 180 days.
    When you select the feed as By Source, multiple data files that contain overall resource level data are exported for each managed system, logical partition, and Virtual I/O Server (VIOS). When you select the feed type as By Tier, the maximum tier level is calculated based on the time duration that is specified in start time stamp and end time stamp, and the data for corresponding level is exported.

    If you select the feed type as By Tier and the export format is CSV, two files are created, one for the managed system and one for the logical partition, as compared to a single file in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

  6. Select the export format as either JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or comma-separated values (CSV).

    The CSV file represents data of JSON file content in the CSV format.

  7. Click the calendar icon to choose the Start Date and End Date. By default, the time stamp in the Start Date is set to 4 hours before the current time, and the current time is set as the time stamp in the End Date. You can choose to export data for this duration. Otherwise, to specify specific time interval, you must enter the time within the Performance and Capacity Monitor data retention period, which is 180 days by default. The time stamp of the last data export is displayed in gray.
  8. Click OK. The Confirm Download dialog box is displayed with the name of the file that contains the exported data.
  9. Click OK to download the exported data in a compressed format.
  10. Depending on your browser setting, you can choose the destination folder in which the exported data will be saved.

Last updated: Wed, February 21, 2018