Method of service for 9080-MHE, 9080-MME, 9119-MHE, and 9119-MME parts

System parts can be managed concurrently and by using Live Partition Mobility (LPM) or PowerHA® SystemMirror®.

Table 1. Method of service for 9080-MHE, 9080-MME, 9119-MHE, and 9119-MME parts in the system control unit
Part description Concurrent maintenance LPM or PowerHA SystemMirror
Clock card   X
Clock flex cable   X
Control panel assembly X X
DVD assembly X (system firmware FW830.00 or later is required) X
Fan X X
Power interface card X X
Real time clock battery card X X
Service processor cable   X
Service processor card   X
System backplane   X
System VPD card   X
Universal power interconnect (UPIC) cable X X
USB cable for DVD X X
Table 2. Method of service for 9080-MHE, 9080-MME, 9119-MHE, and 9119-MME parts in the system node
Part description Concurrent maintenance LPM or PowerHA SystemMirror
Clock flex cable   X
Fan X X
General flexible service processor (GFSP) interface card   X
I/O blind swap cassette with PCIe extender card X X
Line cord conduit   X
Local clock card   X
Memory modules   X
PCIe adapter X
  • An HMC is required to perform concurrent maintenance on a coherent accelerator processor interface (CAPI) adapter.
  • The logical partition that owns a CAPI adapter must be powered off to perform concurrent maintenance of the CAPI adapter.
Power APSS card   X
Power supply X X
Processor module   X
Processor voltage regulator module   X
Service processor cable   X
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) cable   X
System backplane   X
System node to PDU power cable X X
UPIC cable X X
Voltage regulator module   X

Last updated: Tue, May 23, 2017