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Updating AIX with a new technology level

Your current version and release of AIX® must match the level of AIX to which you are updating. Learn how to update your current technology level of IBM® AIX.

Attention: This procedure requires that you restart AIX. Whenever you restart AIX, schedule your downtime when it least impacts your workload to protect yourself from a possible loss of data or function. Before you update AIX with a new technology level, ensure that you have reliable backups of your data and any customized applications or volume groups. For instructions on how to create a system backup, see Creating system backups.

To use an optical drive to update AIX with a new technology level, complete the following steps.

Step 1. Prepare for the update procedure

Before starting the update procedure, complete the following prerequisites:

You can perform the update procedure either using the SMIT interface or the command line. Use one of the following sets of instructions, depending on whether you are using the SMIT interface or the command line:

Step 2. Perform the update procedure using the SMIT interface

  1. Insert the AIX technology level CD or DVD into the optical device.
  2. Type smitty update_all at the command line.
  3. Type or select the input device that contains the AIX technology level CD or DVD, and then press Enter.
  4. Type or select values in all entry fields, and then press Enter.

    When you press Enter to start the installation, the COMMAND STATUS panel is displayed. As the installation proceeds, a series of messages is displayed. The amount of time that the installation takes varies depending on your server and the software that you are installing and updating.

    When the installation is complete, the panel returns to the top of the list of messages that are displayed during installation. The Command: status field on the COMMAND STATUS panel changes to OK or failed. OK indicates that the installation ran to completion, although some filesets might not have installed successfully. The failed status means that there was a problem with the installation. Although a preview installation always finishes with an OK status, always check the summaries.

  5. Press F10 (or Esc+0) to exit SMIT.
  6. Review the smit.log file (/smit.log or /home/user_id/smit.log).
  7. Remove all installation media for the technology level from the drives.
  8. When you are directed, restart your server by typing the following command:
    # shutdown -Fr

Step 2. Perform the update procedure using the command line

  1. Use the install_all_updates command to install all installp updates on the /dev/cd0 device and to verify the current recommended technology level:
    # install_all_updates -d /dev/cd0
  2. Remove all installation media for the technology level from the drives.
  3. When you are directed, restart your server by typing the following command:
    # shutdown -Fr

For more information about the install_all_updates command, see the install_all_updates command in the AIX Commands reference.

Step 3. Verify server configuration after installation

After the update procedure is complete and AIX has been restarted, verify the server configuration, as follows:

  1. Verify that all currently installed software is correctly entered in the Software Vital Product Database (SWVPD), by using the lppchk command. To verify that all filesets have all required requisites and are completely installed, type the following:
    # lppchk -v
  2. Use the errpt command to generate an error report from entries in the system error log. To display a detailed report, type the following:
    # errpt -a

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Last updated: Tue, June 10, 2014