POWER7 information

ASMI authority levels

Several authority levels are available for accessing the service processor menus by using the ASMI.

The following levels of access are supported:
General user
The menu options presented to the general user are a subset of the options available to the administrator and authorized service provider. Users with general authority can view settings in the ASMI menus. The login ID is general and the default password is general.
The menu options presented to the administrator are a subset of the options available to the authorized service provider. Users with administrator authority can write to persistent storage, and view and change settings that affect the server's behavior. The first time a user logs into the ASMI after the server is installed, a new password must be selected. The login ID is admin and the default password is admin.
Authorized service provider
This login gives the authorized service provider access to all functions that could be used to gather additional debug information from a failing system, such as viewing persistent storage, and clearing all deconfiguration errors. There are three authorized service provider login IDs: celogin, celogin1, and celogin2.
  • celogin is the primary service provider account. It is enabled by default, and it can enable or disable the other two service provider IDs (celogin1 and celogin2). The login ID is celogin; the password is generated dynamically and must be obtained by calling IBM® technical support. celogin can be disabled by the admin user.
  • celogin1 and celogin2 are disabled by default. If the IDs are enabled, a static password must be set for them. The default password for both IDs is celogin. The default password must be changed the first time the ID is enabled. The admin user can also disable and enable these login IDs.
  • To reset the password for celogin1 or celogin2, the admin user can disable, then re-enable the ID. As soon as the ID is re-enabled, the password must be changed.
  • If enabled, celogin, celogin1, or celogin2 can be used to reset the admin password, if necessary.

During the initial administrator and general user logins, the only menu option available is Change Password. In order to gain access to additional ASMI menus, you must change the administrator and general user default passwords. If you are an authorized service provider, you cannot change your password.

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Last updated: Mon, April 24, 2017