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9119-FHA system parts

Indexed drawings show parts system part numbers.

Cover assemblies
Table 1. Final assembly (assembly 1)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
1   45D0629 1 Cover assembly, left side
2   2665528 6 Screw
3   42V2119 6 J-bracket assembly, side cover
4   2665528 12 Screw
5   41U0400 1 Acoustic rear cover
6   45D0628 1 Cover assembly, right side
7   2665528 6 Screw
8   2665525 4 Screw
9   41V2376 2 Latch bracket
10     1 Acoustic front cover
Bulk power assembly
Table 2. Final assembly (assembly 2)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
1   45D2463 2 BPE assembly
2   77G0599 10 Screw
3   74F1823 10 Nut clip
4   41V2374 AR BPF assembly
4   41V2453 AR BPF filler plate, front only
5   15R9306 2 Cable bracket assembly
6   77G0599 6 Screw
7   45D1471 2 Bulk power hub (BPH)
8   45D1601 AR BPD assembly
8   31L8609 AR BPD filler assembly
9   45D1600 2 BPC assembly
10   45D0639 AR BPR assembly
10   15R7647 AR BPR filler assembly
Final assembly
Table 3. Final assembly (assembly 3)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
1   15R7120 1 Light strip, front
2   45D1117 4 Actuator assembly, top
2   45D2806 4 Actuator assembly, bottom
3   45D1706 8 Node lock assembly
4   44P2994 AR Filler plate
5   77G0599 4 Screw
6   74F1823 4 Nut clip
7   44P2462 AR Filler plate
8   77G0599 2 Screw
9   74F1823 2 Nut clip
10   45D1981 8 Node locking bracket assembly, front
11   60H3940 AR Node assembly, unpopulated
11   60H4167 AR Node assembly, populated, 4.2 GHz
11   60H4168 AR Node assembly, populated, 5 GHz
12   15R7507 AR Node filler assembly
13   45D0534 AR EMI cover
Final assembly (continued)
Table 4. Final assembly (assembly 4)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
14   45D0802 1 UEPO assembly
15   2665528 2 Screw
16   15R9219 4 Actuator assembly, top
17   45D1044 4 Actuator assembly, bottom
18 2C01 60H4138 2 FSP card
19   60H3792 2 Clock card
20   60H4148 1 System midplane
21   1624790 2 Screw, backplane mounting
Final assembly (continued)
Table 5. Final assembly (assembly 5)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
22   Not field stocked 8 Node locking bracket assembly, back
23   44P2994 AR Filler plate
23   44P2462 AR Filler plate
24   77G0599 4 Screw
25   74F1823 4 Nut clip
26   45D1140 AR MDA-EZ assembly
27   15R8873 AR Blower assembly
28   15R7121 1 Light strip, rear
29   15R8837 1 Node service cover
30   45D2720 1 Node service cover
Node assembly
Table 6. Final assembly (assembly 6)
Index number CCIN Part number Units Description
1   45D2491 AR DCA assembly
2   No num 1 Node assembly
3   60H4202 AR Processor assembly, 4.2 GHz
3   60H4203 AR Processor assembly, 5 GHz
4   41V0922 AR Book filler assembly
5 295A 45D1902 AR I/O hub card
5 295B 45D2593 AR GX Dual-Port 12X Channel Attach adapter
6   41T8593 AR Memory DIMM, 4 GB double high
6   15R9372 AR Memory DIMM, 8 GB double high
7   45D1666 AR Memory DIMM, 1 GB single high
7   45D1668 AR Memory DIMM, 2 GB single high
Table 7. Cables
CCIN Part number Description
  95P4084 SAS cable
  44V4041 1 meter SAS cable
  44V4147 1 meter SAS cable
  44V4817 2 meter SAS cable
  44V4148 3 meter SAS cable
  44V4154 3 meter SAS cable
  44V4158 3 meter SAS cable
  44V4163 3 meter SAS cable
  44V4149 6 meter SAS cable
  44V4155 6 meter SAS cable
  44V4159 6 meter SAS cable
  44V4164 6 meter SAS cable
  44V4156 15 meter SAS cable
  44V4160 15 meter SAS cable
  52G4233 SCSI cable
  41Y0596 1 meter SCSI cable
  41Y0597 3 meter SCSI cable
  41Y0598 5 meter SCSI cable
  41Y0599 10 meter SCSI cable
  41Y0600 20 meter SCSI cable
  22R5217 2 meter SPCN cable
  22R5239 3 meter SPCN cable
036A 39J5820 3 meter SPCN cable
  22R5219 6 meter SPCN cable
  22R5221 15 meter SPCN cable
  22R5222 30 meter SPCN cable
  39J2561 10 meter HSL2 cable
  42V2129 .6 meter 12X IB cable
  42V2131 2.5 meter 12X IB cable
  42R6160 8 meter 12X IB cable
  32N1311 2 meter external cable
  31P6132 8 meter cable
  41V2507 BPCA TO BPCB cable
  41V2508 BPCA TO BPCB power cable
  15R6779 Bulk power distribution cable
  15R6780 Bulk power distribution cable
  41V2172 Bulk power regulator cable
  41V0570 IBF cable
  39J5836 UPS adapter cable
  95P4049 DVD cable
  11P4606 Cable clamp
  0524519 Cable tie
  15R8270 Cable tool
  095P4048 VPD cable
Table 8. Keyboards
CCIN Part number Description
  10N6984 Keyboard, Arabic
  32N1233 Keyboard, Arabic
  32N1212 Keyboard, Brazilian
  10N6963 Keyboard, Brazilian/Portuguese
  10N6972 Keyboard, Bulgarian
  32N1221 Keyboard, Bulgarian
  32N1217 Keyboard, CANFRC
  32N1215 Keyboard, Chinese
  10N6966 Keyboard, Chinese/US
  10N6981 Keyboard, Czechoslovakian
  32N1230 Keyboard, Czechoslovakian
  10N6971 Keyboard, Danish
  32N1220 Keyboard, Danish
  32N1206 Keyboard, French
  10N6957 Keyboard, French
  10N6967 Keyboard, French Canadian
  10N6968 Keyboard, French Canadian
  32N1216 Keyboard, French Canadian
  10N6973 Keyboard, French/German
  10N6959 Keyboard, German
  32N1208 Keyboard, German
  10N6977 Keyboard, Greek
  32N1226 Keyboard, Greek
  10N6978 Keyboard, Hebrew
  32N1227 Keyboard, Hebrew
  10N6964 Keyboard, Hungarian
  32N1213 Keyboard, Hungarian
  10N6958 Keyboard, Italian
  32N1207 Keyboard, Italian
  32N1211 Keyboard, Japanese
  10N6962 Keyboard, Japanese
  32N1214 Keyboard, Korean
  10N6965 Keyboard, Korean
  10N6983 Keyboard, LA Spanish
  32N1232 Keyboard, LA Spanish
  10N6974 Keyboard, Norwegian
  32N1223 Keyboard, Norwegian
  10N6979 Keyboard, Polish
  32N1228 Keyboard, Polish
  10N6975 Keyboard, Portuguese
  10N6976 Keyboard, Portuguese
  32N1224 Keyboard, Portuguese
  32N1225 Keyboard, Portuguese
  10N6986 Keyboard, Russian
  32N1235 Keyboard, Russian
  10N6980 Keyboard, Slovakia
  32N1229 Keyboard, Slovakia
  32N1236 Keyboard, Slovakia
  10N6961 Keyboard, Spanish
  32N1210 Keyboard, Spanish
  10N6970 Keyboard, Sweden/Finland
  32N1219 Keyboard, Sweden/Finland
  32N1234 Keyboard, Thailand
  10N6985 Keyboard, Thailand
  10N6982 Keyboard, Turkey
  32N1231 Keyboard, Turkey
  10N6960 Keyboard, United Kingdom
  32N1209 Keyboard, United Kingdom
  10N6956 Keyboard, United Kingdom
  10N6988 Keyboard, US EMEA
  32N1205 Keyboard, US
  10N6987 Keyboard, Yugoslavian/Latin
Table 9. Miscellaneous parts
CCIN Part number Description
  External cables and cords See Site and Hardware Planning Guide.
  Cable configuration See Enclosures and Expansion Units.
  PCI adapters See Managing PCI adapters.
  Removable media See Managing devices.
  45D2299 1/4 inch (8 MM) drive socket
  45D0424 3/8 inch drive extension
31BA 45D1205 8 GB DIMM, 400 MHz DDR2
  87H3621 8 MB DIMM
31B4 45D1426 16 GB DIMM, DDR2, 400 MHz
316C 41V2097 0-16 GB CUoD DIMM
316B 41V2095 0-8 GB CUoD DIMM, DDR2
319D 15R7445 4 GB DIMM, DDR2, 533 MHz
319F 15R9379 8 GB DIMM, DDR2, 400 MHz
  45D2504 4 MM socket driver
  03N5265 146 GB DASD, 10 K RPM
  03N6330 146 GB DASD, 10 K RPM
  03N5285 3.5 inch 146 GB SCSI DASD, 15 K RPM
  10N7232 146 GB SAS DASD, 15 K RPM
  10N7204 146 GB SAS DASD, 15 K RPM, 3.5 inch
  15R7322 19 inch acoustic cover kit
  39R6550 2U rail kit
  10N7211 300 GB DASD, 15 K RPM
  10N8578 300 GB DASD, 15 K RPM
  03N5270 300 GB DASD, DASD, 10 K RPM
  03N6335 300 GB DASD, DASD, 10 K RPM
  10N7208 300 GB DASD, SAS, 15 K RPM, 3.5 inch
  10N7234 300 GB SAS DASD, 15 K RPM
  23R5638 4 MM cleaning cartridge
  44P2809 42U frame
  15R7659 61R UEPO switch
  03N5260 73 GB DASD, 10 K RPM
  10N7200 73 GB SAS DASD, 15 K RPM
  10N7230 73 GB SAS DASD, 15 K RPM
  45D0417 8 MM socket
  23R5635 80 GB cartridge
  95P4436 800 GB cartridge
  41U0389 Acoustic cover
  41U0388 Acoustic door
  45D2505 Actuator tool
  45D2300 Adapter, 3/8 inch adapter to 1/4 inch
  41V0606 Adapter bracket
  10N8625 Adapter bracket
  31L8613 Air baffle
  12R9301 Air feeder
  12R8263 Applicator
  42R4037 Assembly filler
  95P4075 Base unit
  39J5555 Battery
  41U0012 Battery
  11P3745 Battery retainer bracket, inner
  11P3746 Battery retainer bracket, outer
  23R5633 Bezel
  39R6583 Bezel left
  39R6584 Bezel right
  03N6669 Black mouse
  07H6826 Blank tailgate plate
  07H6827 Blank tailgate plate
  10N8994 Blind swap adapter bracket kit
  80P6749 Blind swap cassette filler
  41V1610 Blower assembly
  60H3740 Book planar with VPD
  60H3842 Book planar with VPD
  60H3852 Book with VPD
  15R6976 Bottom filler kit
  45D3160 Bracket, media drawer
  45D1756 Bridge assembly
  04N6923 Brush pad
  41V0355 Bulk power controller
  11P2344 Cable bracket
  41V0453 Chassis
  41V1887 Clamp kit
  35L0844 Clean cart
  46G6844 Cleaning kit
  08J5798 Clutch
  45D1517 Clutch torque wrench
  41V1820 Complete frame tie down kit
  41V0943 dc converter
  42C2140 Cooling unit power supply
  44P2633 Core kit for HMC
  44P2450 Corner Bracket
  45D0721 Cover
  41U0397 Cover, slim
  41U0387 Cover kit
  41V1676 Cover kit
  41V1678 Cover kit
  41V1680 Cover kit
  41U0386 cover kit, non acoustic
  45D1990 Cross member assembly
  41V0608 DASD cage
  22R2809 DASD filler
  42R7992 DASD filler
  21P8267 DDR2 DIMM filler
  42R4695 DIMM filler
  42R4696 DIMM filler
  45D1831 DIMM tool
  7336677 DIMM tray
  31P7513 Display stand
  11P3990 Door key
  97P6859 Door trim kit
  12K0564 Dummy plate
  95P4044 DVD assembly
  42R7291 DVD filler
  95P4093 DVD filler
  95P4096 DVD filler
  95P4106 DVD latch assembly
  46G0334 EMC spring
  53P0522 Empty tray
  44V3937 ESM assembly
  95P4066 Fan assembly
  44P0550 Fan cover
  15R8923 Filter, door
  16R1152 Foam bracket
  11P4104 Foam PAD
  11P4105 Foam PAD
  11P3827 Foam PLATE
  12K0566 Frame rail racket
  12K0032 Front bezel
  45D2202 Front cover
  45D2204 Front cover
  45D1165 Front cover
  41V0593 Front door
  41V2355 Front latch
  60H3873 FSP controller
  45D1708 Gear box
  42R5435 GX filler bracket
  12R8531 Heat sink
  12R8532 Heat sink
  99F1718 Heat sink
  11P3535 Hinge
  11P4106 Hinge
  41V0080 Hinge assembly
  09N9686 Hinge bracket
  46G5947 Ladder
  12R9892 Latch
  41V1065 Latch bracket
  41V1067 Latch bracket
  44P2459 Latch bracket
  44P0515 Left bracket
  39J4471 Left rail
  2108930 Lint free cloth
  12R8201 Lubricant
  11P4747 Magnifier lens
  53P0322 Media tray
  41V0808 Memory baffle filler
  42R7898 Midplane
  60H3492 Midplane
  40K5342 Monitor T117 enhanced stand
  44P4826 Mounting bracket
  44V3429 Mounting slide tape
  15R9300 Node bar assembly
  15R7507 Node filler
  41V0809 Node kit
  44P1277 Plate cage filler
  39J0854 Processor filler
  42R8498 Rack mounting fasteners kit
  44V4203 RAID controller
  45D1859 Rail bottom left
  45D1860 Rail bottom right
  45D1861 Rail top left
  45D1862 Rail top right
  45D1121 Rear cover
  12R9501 Retainer bracket
  41V1799 Retainer bracket
  41V1800 Retainer bracket
  44V3005 Reusable M3NIF
  44P0514 Right bracket
  44P0513 Right external bracket
  39J4472 Right rail
  60G7623 Rivet
  5442867 Safety cap
  44V4404 SAS controller
  44V4413 SAS controller
  66F1283 Screw M3
  39J3368 Screw M3X6 Torx flat
  98F2977 Screw, Torx
  39J3889 SCSI differential terminator
  12R9042 SCSI repeater card
  6422725 Shaft assembly
  11P2923 Shipping bar
  80P3422 Short BSM kit
  16R1508 Side cover
  42V2120 Side cover
  44H8167 SIMM filler
  16R0091 Snap together cassette
  31L7174 Soft tie puck
  93G1147 Step stool
  07H5247 Support rail bracket
2D08 60H4213 System VPD
  60H4212 System VPD
  40K5341 T115 stand base
  45D1715 Table assembly
  44P4026 Tailgate bracket
  11P1262 Tailgate bracket assembly
  35L0967 Test cart
  18P8166 Test DISK
  53P2519 Test DVD
  45E1129 Test tape
  41V1913 Tie down
  41V1914 Tie down
  45D0415 Torque tool
  97P2376 Tray assembly
  95P4036 Tray assembly
  95P4107 Tray latch
  07H6655 Velcro tape
  51H9502 Velcro tie
  45D1677 Weight distribution plate kit
  12R8219 Weight distribution plate kit
  08J5557 Wheel chock
  03N6070 Wrap plug
  12R9314 Wrap plug
  12R9315 Wrap plug
  42R4761 Wrap plug
  42R5143 Wrap plug
  87H3311 Wrap plug
  87H3439 Wrap plug
  87H3442 Wrap plug

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Last updated: Tue, May 13, 2014