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Partitioning a new or nonpartitioned IBM System i5 or eServer i5 managed system using version 7 or later of the HMC

Use this procedure to partition a new or nonpartitioned IBM® System i5® or eServer™ i5 managed system using version 7 or later of the Hardware Management Console (HMC). In this procedure, you will validate the hardware on the managed system, create the logical partitions on the managed system, and designate the service partition for the managed system.

Use this procedure in the following cases:

If you want to create a new logical partition on a managed system that has already been partitioned, then you do not need to perform all of the steps in this procedure. For more information on creating a new logical partition on a managed system that has already been partitioned, see Creating logical partitions using version 7 or later of the HMC.

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

To partition a new or nonpartitioned IBM System i5 or eServer i5 managed system using version 7 or later of the HMC, you must be a super administrator or operator on the HMC. For more information about user roles, refer to Tasks and roles.

To partition a new or nonpartitioned IBM System i5 or eServer i5 managed system using version 7 or later of the HMC, complete the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the managed system is in a state of Standby or Operating. Complete the following:
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
    2. In the contents pane, find the state of the managed system as displayed in the contents pane under the Status heading.
    3. If the managed system is in a Power off state, select the managed system in the contents pane, click the Tasks button, choose Operations > Power On, select the power-on mode of Partition Standby, click OK, and wait until the contents area displays a Standby state for the managed system.
    If the managed system does not display in the contents pane, or if the managed system is in any state other than Standby or Operating, you must fix the problem before continuing. For more information about correcting the operating state of the managed system, see Correcting the managed system operating state.
  2. Verify that a single logical partition exists on the managed system. When you connect a new or nonpartitioned managed system to an HMC, a single logical partition displays in the HMC user interface. All system resources belong to this logical partition. In this procedure, you will use this logical partition to validate the hardware on the managed system. After you validate the hardware on the managed system, you will delete this logical partition and create the logical partitions according to your logical partition plan.
    1. In the navigation pane of the HMC, open Servers and click on the managed system.
    2. In the contents pane, verify that there is only one logical partition in the list of partitions. The name of this logical partition will be the serial number of the managed system, and the logical partition will have one partition profile called default_profile.
    If the logical partition that is described in this step exists, continue to step 4. Otherwise, continue to step 3 to reset the managed system.
  3. Reset the managed system so that a single logical partition exists on the managed system. Complete the following at your HMC (not remotely) to create this logical partition:
    1. Ensure that the hardware placement in the managed system supports the manufacturing default configuration. If the hardware placement in the managed system does not support the manufacturing default configuration, you must move the hardware so that the hardware placement supports the manufacturing default configuration. For more information on placing the hardware in your managed system to support the manufacturing default configuration, contact your marketing representative or business partner.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Servers.
    3. In the contents pane, select the managed system in the contents area, click the Tasks button, choose Configuration > Manage Partition Data > Initialize and click Yes.
    4. In the navigation pane, click HMC Management.
    5. In the contents pane, click Open Restricted Shell Terminal. The Restricted shell command-line interface displays.
    6. Type: lpcfgop -m managed_system_name -o clear. managed_system_name is the name of managed system as it displays in the content area.
    7. Enter 1 to confirm. This step will take several seconds to complete.
  4. Ensure that the logical partition is in a Not Activated state. In the navigation pane of the HMC, select the managed system if it is not already selected, and review the state of the logical partition on the managed system. If the logical partition is in a Running state, shut down the logical partition by completing the following steps:
    1. In the contents pane, select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Properties.
    2. Ensure that Power off the system after all the logical partitions are powered off is cleared, and click OK.
    3. Shut down the logical partition using operating system procedures. For more information on shutting down logical partitions using operating system procedures, see Shutting down i5/OS® logical partitions.
    If the logical partition is in an Error state, complete the following:
    1. In the contents pane, select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Serviceability > Reference Code History.
    2. Click the Reference Code tab and use the reference codes displayed on the Reference Code tab to diagnose and fix the problem. For more information about using reference codes to diagnose and fix problems, see Reference codes list for customers.
  5. Identify (or tag) the load source device, alternate restart device, and console device to use for system setup. Identify the HMC as the console device for system setup, regardless of the types of console device that you ultimately plan to use for the logical partitions on your system. The HMC provides the easiest, most reliable method to access a console session during system setup. When you create your logical partitions, you can specify the console of your choice for each logical partition. Also, when you select the load source device and alternate restart device, select the devices that will be used by the first i5/OS logical partition in your SPT plan. To identify the devices to use for system setup, complete the following:
    1. In the contents pane, select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Configuration > Manage Profiles.
    2. Select the partition profile, click Actions, and choose Edit.
    3. Click the Tagged I/O tab.
    4. Under Load source, click Select.
    5. Select the slot in which the load source I/O Adapter (IOA) or the load source I/O Processor (IOP) is installed and click OK.
    6. Under Alternate restart device, click Select.
    7. Sselect the slot in which the alternate restart device IOA or IOP is installed and click OK.
    8. Select Use HMC console and click OK.
    9. Click Close.
  6. If Licensed Internal Code was not preinstalled on the server, or if you want to install Licensed Internal Code yourself, then install Licensed Internal Code at this time. For more information on installing Licensed Internal code, see Installing Licensed Internal Code on the new logical partition. When the Licensed Internal Code installation is complete, continue to step 8.
  7. Activate the logical partition:
    1. In the contents pane, select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Operations > Activate.
    2. Click Advanced.
    3. Select Manual in the Keylock position field, select B: IPL from the second side of the load source in the IPL type field, and click OK.
    4. If you are performing this procedure from the HMC, select Open a terminal window or console session and click OK. If you are performing this procedure remotely, click OK and then open an HMC 5250 console session remotely on the logical partition. For more information about opening an HMC 5250 console session remotely, see Connecting to a 5250 console remotely.
    5. Type 1 and press Enter to start a dedicated HMC 5250 console session.
  8. Verify that the physical adapters are connected and reporting to the managed system using the Failed and non-reporting hardware resources option in the Hardware Service Manager. Use the Failed and non-reporting hardware resource option to display a list of the logical hardware resources that either failed or did not report to the system at the last IPL.
    Attention: Incorrect use of the Failed and non-reporting hardware resource option can cause damage to data in your system.
    1. In the HMC 5250 console session, type 3 and press Enter to select option 3 [Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)].
    2. Sign onto DST with a valid user ID and password.
    3. Type 7 and press Enter to select option 7 [Start a service tool].
    4. Type 4 and press Enter to select option 4 [Hardware service manager].
    5. Type 4 and press Enter to select option 4 [Failed and non-reporting hardware resources].
    6. Verify that there are no failed or non-reporting resources. If no failed resources or non-reporting resources exist, the informational message No failed or non-reporting logical hardware resources were found will appear. If there are failed resources, contact your service provider.
      Note: You can verify only the adapters that are supported by i5/OS. Any adapter that is not supported by i5/OS might have an error of unknown or failed hardware.
    7. Press F3 until the Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display appears.
    8. Type 7 and press Enter to select option 7 [Start a service tool].
    9. Type 7 and press Enter to select option 7 [Operator panel functions].
    10. Press F10 to power off, press Enter to confirm, close the 5250 console session window, and wait until the logical partition shuts down.
  9. If the hardware in the managed system is already in the configuration specified in your SPT configuration plan, then continue to step 15.
  10. Power off the managed system using your HMC.
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
    2. In the contents pane, select the managed system in the contents area, click the Tasks button, and choose Operations > Power Off.
    3. Select the Normal power off option and click OK.
  11. Move the hardware in the managed system according to your SPT configuration plan.
  12. Power on the managed system to the Standby state using your HMC.
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
    2. In the contents pane, select the managed system in the contents area, click the Tasks button, and choose Operations > Power On.
    3. Select Partition standby as the power-on mode and click OK.
  13. Activate the logical partition:
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management, open Servers, and click the managed system.
    2. In the contents pane, select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Operations > Activate.
    3. Click Advanced.
    4. Select Manual in the Keylock position field, select B: IPL from the second side of the load source in the IPL type field, and click OK.
    5. If you are performing this procedure from the HMC, select Open a terminal window or console session and click OK. If you are performing this procedure remotely, click OK and then open an HMC 5250 console session remotely on the logical partition. For more information on opening an HMC 5250 console session remotely, see Connecting to a 5250 console remotely.
    6. Type 1 and press Enter to start a dedicated HMC 5250 console session.
  14. Verify that the physical adapters are connected and reporting to the managed system using the Failed and non-reporting hardware resources option in the Hardware Service Manager.
    Attention: Incorrect use of the Failed and non-reporting hardware resource option can cause damage to data in your system.
    1. Type 3 and press Enter to select option 3 [Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)].
    2. Sign onto DST with a valid user ID and password.
    3. Type 7 and press Enter to select option 7 [Start a service tool].
    4. Type 4 and press Enter to select option 4 [Hardware service manager].
    5. Type 4 and press Enter to select option 4 [Failed and non-reporting hardware resources].
    6. Verify that there are no failed or non-reporting hardware resources. If no failed or non-reporting hardware resources exist, the informational message No failed or non-reporting logical hardware resources were found will appear. If there are failed resources, contact your service provider.
      Note: You can verify only the adapters that are supported by i5/OS. Any adapter that is not supported by i5/OS might have an error of unknown or failed hardware.
    7. Press F3 until the Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display appears.
    8. Type 7and press Enter to select option 7 [Start a service tool].
    9. Type 7 and press Enter to select option 7 [Operator panel functions].
    10. Press F10 to power off, press Enter to confirm, close the 5250 console session window, and wait until the logical partition shuts down.
  15. Delete the logical partition that owns all of the system resources.
    Attention: This procedure erases the logical partition and the logical partition configuration data stored on the partition profiles. This procedure does not affect any of the data stored on the managed system.
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management, open Servers, and click the managed system.
    2. In the contents pane, ensure that the logical partition is powered off.
    3. Select the logical partition, click the Tasks button, and choose Operations > Delete.
    4. Click Yes to confirm.
  16. Create each logical partition on your managed system according to your logical partition plan. You can do this by importing a system plan file into your HMC and deploying the system plan to the managed system. For more information on creating logical partitions using a system plan, see Managing system plans using version 7 or later of the HMC. You can alternately create the logical partitions by performing the following procedure for each logical partition that you want to create.
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
    2. In the contents pane, select the managed system, click the Tasks button, and choose Configuration > Create Logical Partition.
    3. Follow the steps in the Create Logical Partition wizard to create a logical partition and a partition profile.
  17. Designate one of the i5/OS logical partitions on your managed system as the service partition for the managed system.
    1. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
    2. In the contents pane, select the managed system, click the Tasks button, and choose Configuration > Properties.
    3. In the Service partition field, select the logical partition that you want to designate as the service partition.
    4. Click OK.
  18. Ensure that there is at least one LAN adapter on the HMC that is configured to connect with the logical partitions on your managed system.
    1. In the navigation pane, open HMC Management.
    2. Select HMC Configuration.
    3. In the contents pane, click Change Network Settings.
    4. Click the LAN Adapters tab.
    5. Select any LAN adapter other than the eth0 adapter that connects the HMC with the service processor and click Details.
    6. On the LAN Adapter tab, under Local area network information, select Open, and select Partition communication.
    7. Click the Firewall Settings tab.
    8. Ensure that the RMC application is one of the applications displayed in Allowed Hosts. If it is not displayed in Allowed Hosts, select the RMC application under Available Applications and click Allow Incoming. The RMC application displays in Allowed Hosts to signify that it has been selected.
    9. Click OK.
After you have created the logical partitions on your managed system, you must then complete the following tasks:
  1. Install operating systems on the logical partitions. For installation procedures for the AIX®, i5/OS, and Linux® operating systems, refer to Installing operating systems.
  2. Change the console device on each i5/OS logical partition to the console device of your choice. For procedures to change the console i5/OS logical partitions, see Changing the i5/OS console from the HMC to Operations Console or twinaxial console.
  3. Connect the logical partitions on your managed system to the LAN adapter that you have just configured on the HMC. You can create a virtual LAN to connect the logical partitions on your managed system with each other, bridge the virtual LAN to a physical Ethernet adapter on an external network, and connect the LAN adapter on the HMC to the same external network. Alternately, you can configure a physical Ethernet adapter on each logical partition, connect the physical Ethernet adapters on the logical partitions to an external network, and connect the LAN adapter on the HMC to the same external network. For information on how to create and configure virtual Ethernet adapters for your logical partitions, see Configuring a virtual Ethernet adapter using version 7 or later of the HMC.

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Last updated: Fri, Oct 30, 2009