(A7xx, B7xx) Licensed Internal Code reference codes

Use this table for A7xx and B7xx reference codes.

Perform the following actions:

  1. Find the unit reference code by looking at characters 5 through 8 of the top 16 character line of function 11 (4 rightmost characters of word 1). These 4 characters are the unit reference code.
  2. Look up the unit reference code in the following table.
  3. Perform the actions in the Description/Action column of the table.

In all cases, once the failing item is determined, go to the locations table for the system you are working on to determine the location, and use the remove and replace procedure for the failing item.

Table 1. (A7xx, B7xx) Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Reference Codes

Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item
0102 Platform LIC detected an error

A machine check occurred during IPL. Words 2 to 9 of this SRC contain additional diagnostic information. Record SRC words 1 through 9 before attempting to IPL again and report the problem to next level of support.

0103 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform Licensed Internal Code (LIC) detected an internal problem.

Collect all the SRC words and the platform system dump, then contact your next level of support.

0104 Platform LIC failure

Machine check, undefined error occurred.

0105 Platform LIC detected an error

More than one request to terminate the system was issued.

0106 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

A secondary failure due to an invalid SRC occurred when the platform attempted to terminate.

Collect all the SRC words and the platform system dump, then contact your next level of support.

0107 Platform LIC failure

The server detected an unrecoverable machine check condition. Collect all the words of the SRC and the platform dump and send to your system manufacturer for analysis.

0200 System firmware has experienced a low storage condition

No immediate action is necessary.

Continue running the system normally. At the earliest convenient time or service window work with your service provider to take a platform dump and reIPL the system.

0302 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

Perform a platform system dump and notify your service provider. IPL the system.

0441 Service processor failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform encountered an error early in the IPL or termination process.

0443 Service processor failure
0601 System log entry only, no service action required

Support can use this SRC and associated data to determine why the time of day for a partition was lost. No corrective action is required.

0602 Platform LIC detected an error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

Platform Licensed Internal Code (LIC) detected an error condition. The second word indicates the severity of the error and the specific error condition. If word 2 is 10000A01 then record the SRC words and call your next level of support; otherwise this does not require service.

0611 System clock problem

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

For systems managed by an HMC, use the ASM interface to reset the system clock at power on standby. For systems without an HMC, you can ignore this error.

If the error occurs a second time, call your next level of support.

0621 System log entry only, no service action required

No service action required.

0641 Platform LIC detected an error

A platform LIC failure occurred. Perform a platform dump and contact your next level of support.

0650 Platform LIC detected an error

Resource management was unable to allocate main storage. A platform dump was started.

Words 2 to 9 of this SRC contain additional diagnostic information. Record SRC words 1 through 9. Collect the platform dump and the configuration of the memory allocation for all partitions on this system. Provide the platform dump, configuration data, and the recorded SRC information to your next level of support.

0651 The system detected an error in the system clock hardware

This is a serviceable event only if this error appears in a serviceable event view.

If this is a serviceable event, then work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented in the Failing Items column to determine the parts to exchange.

If the system did not log this error as a serviceable event, then no service action is required.

0803 to 0804 System log entry only, no service action required

0A00 System log entry only, no service action required

A user request initiated an I/O tower/drawer power off. No corrective action is required.

0A10 System log entry only, no service action required

No action is required, unless the Hardware Management Console (HMC) indicates that the concurrent platform firmware update failed. In that case, the system must be re-IPLed in order for the firmware update to occur. Collect the error log data for this SRC and contact PHYP development to debug the problem.

1150 to 1151 System log entry only, no service action required

No action needed unless a serviceable event was logged. If a serviceable event was logged, resolve that error.

1152 System log entry only, no service action required

No service action is required for this event.

If there is a A7001150 src present, then the service processor was reset automatically to correct for the communications problem. If something more severe occurred there will be a SRC requiring a service action logged as well.

1160 Service processor failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform encountered an error communicating with the service processor. The platform code attempts a graceful shutdown of partitions and powers off the server after a certain time, or when the last partition indicates shutdown, whichever comes first.

1161 System log entry only, no service action required

The platform encountered a service processor event indicating that the power status has changed. Note that this is A7xx only.

1730 Platform LIC detected an error

The VPD for the system is not what was expected at IPL.

When word 9 is 00180003, a redundant VPD chip exists, and the system will continue to run. Replace the VPD card at your next scheduled maintenance. When word 9 is not 00180003 replace the VPD card immediately.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view, if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

1731 Platform LIC detected an error

The VPD for the system is not what was expected at IPL. The VPD on a memory DIMM is not correct and the memory on the DIMM cannot be used, resulting in reduced memory.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view, if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

1732 Platform LIC detected an error

The VPD for the system is not what was expected at IPL. The VPD on a processor card is not correct and the processor card cannot be used, resulting in reduced processing power.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

1733 Platform LIC detected an error

If required Capacity on Demand functions are not available, re-IPL the system. Otherwise, no service action is required.

173A System log entry only, no service action required

A VPD collection overflow occurred, no service action required.

If a system problem is suspected, look for other errors in the serviceable event view.

173B Platform LIC detected an error

A platform LIC failure occurred during VPD collection.

Look for and correct errors with SRCs of the form B1xxxxxx in the Serviceable Event View. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4091 User intervention required

The system power on has reached a standby state. The firmware does not have partition configuration information.

Use the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to activate one or more partitions to change the system from a standby state to an operating state. If the HMC does not manage the server, perform Restoring your server to factory settings.

4400 There is a platform dump to collect

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

Use the operating system's interface designated to collect platform dumps.

4401 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform LIC detected an internal problem.

Contact your next level of support.

4402 Platform LIC failure

A platform LIC error occurred while attempting to allocate the memory necessary to create a platform resource dump.

4700 Platform LIC detected an error

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD.

Capacity on Demand is not available because the stored activation code is not valid. Contact your next level of support to verify your activation code. If the activation code is valid, replace the VPD card.

4701 Platform LIC detected an error

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD. The IPL failed.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

4703 Platform LIC failure

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD. The Capacity on Demand function is not available. If Capacity on Demand function is required, re-IPL the system. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4704 Platform LIC detected an error

The Capacity on Demand function is no longer available. If Capacity on Demand functions are required, look for and correct errors with SRCs of the form B1xxxxxx in the Serviceable Event View. If that does not correct the problem, or no errors were found, contact your next level of support.

4705 Platform LIC failure

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD. The Capacity on Demand function is not available. If Capacity on Demand function is required, re-IPL the system. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4710 Platform LIC detected an error

A communications problem with the service processor occurred while initiating Capacity on Demand. The Capacity on Demand function is not available.

If Capacity on Demand function is required, look for errors with SRCs of the form B1xxxxxx or B7xx69xx in the Serviceable Event View. Work those errors. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4712 Platform LIC detected the VPD card is missing

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

4713 Platform LIC detected an error

The VPD card has been exchanged with a not valid card. Reinstall the original VPD card in the system.

4714 Platform LIC has detected a new VPD card

The new VPD card requires new activation codes. Enter the new activation codes.

4715 Platform LIC detected an error

A problem occurred when initializing, reading, or using system VPD.

Look for errors with SRCs of the form B1xxxxxx in the Serviceable Event View. Work those errors first. If that does not correct the problem, replace the VPD card.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

4716 User intervention required

The Capacity on Demand activation code recovery period has been started. Either obtain more capacity by obtaining new activation codes or allocate fewer resources in the LPAR configuration.

4730 Platform LIC detected an error

A problem occurred when configuring the logical partitions on the system. More resources were allocated than there are available for use. Either obtain more capacity by obtaining new activation codes or allocate fewer resources in the LPAR configuration.

4731 Platform LIC detected an error

The system has been running with full Capacity on Demand resources activated. In one hour, the system will terminate and unlicensed resources will no longer be available. To prevent the system from terminating, enter an activation code of all zeroes. Then obtain the proper activation codes for the resources being used or allocate fewer resources in the LPAR configuration.

4733 Platform LIC failure

The Capacity on Demand function is not available. If Capacity on Demand function is required, re-IPL the system. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4740 Platform LIC detected an error

An incorrect activation code has been detected. Resources associated with this activation code have been disabled. Enter a valid activation code.

4741 Platform LIC detected an error

The number of allowable attempts to enter a valid activation code has been exceeded. The system will continue to run, but a system IPL is required in order to retry entering a valid activation code.

4742 Platform LIC detected an error

A communications problem with the service processor occurred. No Capacity on Demand changes can be made, but you can continue to run with the current Capacity on Demand resources.

Look for errors with SRCs of the form B1xxxxxx or B7xx69xx in the Serviceable Event View. Work those errors first. If that does not correct the problem, re-IPL the system. If that does not correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

4747 User intervention required

One hour remains until the On/Off Capacity on Demand request expires. Permanently activate the temporary Capacity on Demand resources, enter a new On/Off Capacity on Demand request for the temporary resources, or remove all temporary resources from partitions before the request expires.

4748 User intervention required

One hour remains until the Reserve Capacity on Demand request expires. In order to reactivate temporary resources, a new Reserve Capacity on Demand enablement code is required.

4749 User intervention required

One hour remains until the Trial Customer on Demand activation expires. Obtain a permanent activation code or remove all temporary resources from partitions before the request expires.

4750 A Capacity on Demand change has been detected

A Reserve Capacity on Demand resource has been activated.

4788 System log entry only, no service action required

The data obtained from the system is not what was expected. The IPL will continue. Should other errors occur, contact your next level of support.

47C1 Capacity on Demand data mismatch

The data obtained from the system is not what was expected. The system will perform a slow IPL in order to obtain the correct data. If other errors occur, contact your next level of support.

47CB Fast system IPL changed to slow system IPL

The data obtained from the system is not what was expected. The system will perform a slow IPL in order to obtain the correct data. If other errors occur, contact your next level of support.

47CD Platform LIC detected an error

The server detected a not valid Capacity On Demand activation and terminated the system. The allocated resources for the system might exceed those that are available for use.

47FF System log entry only, no service action required

The Capacity on Demand History Log has been written to the error log. No service action is required.

5120 Platform LIC detected an error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the system is not exhibiting problematic behavior, this error may safely be ignored. Otherwise, contact your next level of support.

5121 Platform LIC failure

Licensed Internal Code program exception occurred.

Platform Licensed Internal Code detected a programming problem for which a platform dump may have been initiated.

Send the system error log and the platform dump, if it occurred, to your next level of support.

5122 Platform LIC detected an error

Platform Licensed Internal Code detected that an IOP request failed.

This error indicates a failure during a search for the load source. There may be a number of these failure prior to finding a good load source. This is normal. If a B2xx3110 error is logged, a B2xx3200 or B7005122 may be posted to the control panel. Work the B2xx3110 error in the Serviceable Event View. If the system IPL hangs at B2xx3200 or B7005122 and you cannot check the SRC history, perform the actions indicated for the B2xx3110 SRC.

5123 Platform LIC detected an error

A Licensed Internal Code program exception or data collection occurred. This may indicate an IOP programming problem or an IO Adapter boot problem. Look for other errors. If no other errors are present, Licensed Internal Code has recovered from any exception conditions, or this SRC has logged informational platform boto or hardware data.

5190 Operating System error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform detected a problem in an Operating System. Check for errors in the partition ID specified in word 4 of the SRC. If correcting those errors does not correct the problem, or if you find no errors, contact your next level of support.

5191 Platform LIC detected an error

A virtual adapter configuration error occurred.

A partition tried to use a virtual adapter which is associated with another virtual adapter in a remote partition and virtual slot. However, either no virtual adapter is configured there, or the wrong kind of virtual adapter is configured there.

The partition ID of the virtual adapter with the problem is in word 4 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format). The virtual slot number of the adapter with the incorrect configuration is the last four digits of word 6 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).

Use the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to verify or reconfigure the incorrect virtual adapter configuration. If the configuration is correct, continue with the next failing item in the list.

5209 Platform LIC detected an error

System Licensed Internal Code detected an IOP timeout during IOP IPL.

This may be caused by loose connections, improperly seated cards, media, or removeable media drive not in a ready state. Look for other errors.

5219 Platform LIC detected an error

Information only, no service action required.

Licensed Internal Code program exception occurred.

An IOP signalled to system Licensed Internal Code that it had entered a critical internal state. Licensed Internal Code automatically attempted to restart the IOP.

5300 Platform LIC detected a failure while partitioning resources

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

Platform partitioning code encountered an error. This SRC represents a large number of possible problems, most of which involve the platform Licensed Internal Code (LIC).

Work any error logs found in the Serviceable Event View. If this fails to correct the problem, or if there are no other errors, contact your next level of support.

5301 User intervention required

System detected a problem with the Logical Partition (LPAR) Configuration.

Use the Hardware Management Console to reconfigure the LPAR configuration.

Check Hardware Management Console (HMC) partition state.

  1. If in Recovery state then use the HMC to perform "Recovering partition data on a managed system".
  2. Use HMC to activate partitions.
5400 A resource has been disabled due to hardware problems

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform detected a problem with a processor. The processor is not functional.

Look in the Serviceable Event View for a B1xx xxxx error that implicates a processor.

If the Serviceable Event View contains no B1xx xxxx error, or if resolving the error fails to correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

5600 Problem initializing, reading or using system VPD

Look for other errors in the Serviceable Event View. If no other errors have been logged, contact your next level of support.

5601 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

There was a problem initializing, reading, or using system VPD.

6900 PCI host bridge failure

If you find a B7006981 SRC logged at about same time and listing parts from same enclosure as one of the FRUs here, then close this problem and work the B7006981 SRC.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view, if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available, use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6906 System bus error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6907 System bus error

If this event appears in a serviceable event view, work with the failing item list found there. If this event does not appear in a serviceable event view, no service action is required.

6908 System bus error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6909 System bus error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6944 Platform LIC detected an error

A system bus appears to be empty. If the bus is not empty, a hardware or configuration problem might exist. Look for other errors.

6950 Platform LIC detected an error

A platform dump has occurred. The system has lost all the configured system settings (such as the HMC access and ASMI passwords, time of day, network configuration, hardware deconfiguration policies, etc.) that you might have set through user interfaces. Also, the system has lost the platform error logs and partition-related information, and the service processor is reset. Perform the recovery actions for the SVCPROC FRU but do not replace the service processor. The platform dump should be sent to your service provider.

6951 Platform LIC detected an error

An error occurred because a partition needed more NVRAM than was available.

The partition is still functional, but is operating in a degraded mode. Configuration information may be lost at the next IPL. In order to make more NVRAM available, delete one or more partitions.

6965 Platform LIC detected an error

Unknown hardware detected. Look for other errors.

6970 PCI host bridge failure

If this event does not appear in a serviceable event view, no service action is required.

If this event appears in a serviceable event view, and if you find a B7006981 SRC logged at about the same time and listing parts from the same enclosure as one of the FRUs listed in the serviceable event view for B7006970, then close this problem and work the B7006981 SRC. Otherwise, work on the B7006970 SRC.

6971 PCI secondary bus failure

If this event appears in a serviceable event view, work with the failing item list found there. If this event does not appear in a serviceable event view, no service action is required.

6972 System bus error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6973 System bus error

If you find a B7006981 SRC logged on the same expansion unit as one of the FRUs here, then close this problem and work the B7006981 SRC. Use the unit value of the location codes to determine if the expansion unit is the same.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view, if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the first half of word 7 is not 0001, remove SVCPROC (the service processor) from the list of possible FRUs.

6974 IOP rejected the assignment of an IOA

An I/O Processor rejected the assignment of an I/O Adapter during the IPL of an i5/OS partition.

If the partition IPLed successfully, this event is logged for information only. No service action is required.

If the partition failed to IPL, replace the IOA. If that does not resolve the problem, replace the IOP that controls the IOA.

The Direct Select Address (DSA) of the IOA is in word 7 of the SRC. In order to find the location of the IOA, see DSA translation to get the unit type in which the IOA is located. Then, using the DSA and unit type, go to Card positions to find the location of the IOA.

6980 Network Interface Controller (NIC) resource failure

If the serviceable event view contains a FRU list, work with those FRUs. Otherwise, exchange the failing items listed here.

NOTE: A fiber optic cleaning kit may be required for optical HSL connections.

A platform dump has occurred. Send the dump to your service provider.

6981 High Speed Link (HSL) I/O bridge failure

If you find a 1xxx SRC logged on the same expansion unit as one of the FRUs here, then close this problem and work the 1xxx SRC. Use the unit value of the location codes to determine if the expansion unit is the same.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view, if there is one. Otherwise, use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6982 High Speed Link (HSL) connection failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

NOTE: A fiber optic cleaning kit may be required for optical HSL connections.

6983 An invalid High Speed Link (HSL) configuration was detected

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The four rightmost characters of word 4 in the reference code represent the Program Return Code (PRC), which describes the problem detected. The four leftmost digits of word 7 represent the loop number in hexadecimal format. Convert the loop number to decimal format before comparing it to loop numbers shown in serviceable event views and service tools.

To determine the problem, find the PRC in the list below.

Note: The FRU description in the serviceable event view may already contain a message that identifies the problem.

  • xxxx 0000 indicates bus numbers were not assigned. Contact your next level of support.
  • xxxx 0008 indicates the system serial number is not set. Set the serial number on the system unit. If the problem persists contact your next level of support.
  • xxxx 029A indicates an unsupported I/O tower hardware level. Upgrade the tower hardware to a supported level.
  • xxxx 3201 indicates there are HSL OptiConnect clustered systems on both HSL/RIO loops on the same adapter. You will need to ensure that only one HSL/RIO loop per adapter is used for HSL OptiConnect.
  • xxxx 3211 indicates two or more HSL adapters are connected to each other on the same system unit. This is not a supported configuration. Re-cable the system so that it has a supported configuration.
  • xxxx 3212 indicates the HSL adapter hardware level does not support HSL OptiConnect. Upgrade your HSL adapter hardware to a supported level for HSL OptiConnect.
  • xxxx 3213 indicates that the switchable tower configuration is not valid. Re-cable your HSL OptiConnect so that it has a supported configuration.
  • xxxx 3217 indicates there is a model 5791, 5792, or 5794 IO drawer on a loop with clustered systems. This is not a supported configuration.
  • xxxx 3218 indicates a concurrent tower add is not allowed due to an incomplete loop. Look for and resolve errors on the loop.

This ends the procedure.

6984 System log entry only, no service action required

An HSL loop has switched to its alternate path. This is an informational SRC only.

Word 7 of the SRC contains the loop number in the leftmost 4 digits. The loop number is in hexadecimal format. You must convert the hexadecimal loop number into decimal format to recognize the loop number.

This SRC can be caused by a tower on the HSL loop powering off.

This SRC may also appear in a Serviceable Event View you are using, with a B700 6982 or B700 6981 logged at approximately the same time. In that case the other SRC is reporting a failure and this SRC is reporting that the alternate RIO path is now being used. Service the other SRC if present.

6985 High Speed Link (HSL) loop status message

This is a serviceable event only if this error is in a serviceable event view. If this is a serviceable event then perform RIOIP12. Otherwise if this is NOT a serviceable event then to determine what this SRC means use symbolic FRU SIRSTAT.

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

NOTE: A fiber optic cleaning kit may be required for optical HSL connections.

6986 System bus error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available then use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6987 High Speed Link (HSL) connection failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available then use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6990 Service processor failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available then use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6991 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

6992 Service processor reset occurred

If this SRC does not appear in a serviceable event view then no service action is required. The service processor reset was successful.

If this SRC appears in a serviceable event view, the service processor reset failed. The system will continue to run if a redundant service processor was available. If a redundant service processor was not available, the system terminated.

Look for and correct errors with SRCs of the form B1xx xxxx in the Serviceable Event View that were logged within approximately one hour of the time this SRC occurred.

If there are no B1xx xxxx SRCs, or they do not resolve the problem, do the following:

If there is only one service processor, replace it. Ensure that the firmware is at the most recent code level.

If there is more than one service processor, use the Advanced Server Management Interface (ASMI) to find the Garded service processor (the one currently not being used) and replace it. Ensure that the firmware is at the most recent code level.

6993 Service processor failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available then use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6994 Service processor failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

If the Serviceable Event View is not available then use the failing item list presented here for servicing this reference code.

6995 User intervention required

The system is in the process of terminating.

When all the partitions have terminated, an SRC indicating the exact cause will be shown on the operator panel.

If the system does not terminate in a reasonable amount of time, one or more partitions may need to be terminated manually. If this is not possible, re-IPL the system and look for errors. If no errors are found, contact your next level of support.

69C2 System log entry only, no service action required

Information only, no service action required.

HSL OptiConnect normal connection to another system or partition.

HSL OptiConnect established connection normally. The local system or partition is participating in HSL Opticonnect with other systems or partitions on the same HSL loop.

69C3 System log entry only, no service action required

Information only, no service action required.

Opticonnect normal remote disconnection from OptiConnect participation.

HSL Opticonnect disconnected normally from a remote node. The local system or partition has stopped participating in HSL Opticonnect with the remote system or partition on the same HSL loop. Possible reasons include:

  • A remote system or partition went off line due to a normal power off or because HSL Opticonnect became disabled.

69C6 Platform LIC detected an error

Abnormal or unexpected HSL OptiConnect disconnection from a remote system or partition.

The local system or partition disconnected from a remote system or partition due to an unexpected event or failure. The problem, which most likely originates with the remote system or partition, probably requires intervention at the remote system. Examine both the local and remote HSL OptiConnected systems or partitions for problems on this HSL loop.

Possible reasons include: A fatal software or hardware error in the remote system or partition, or a power failure in the remote system.

If a complete HSL loop did not exist before this error occurred, the cause of this error might be a failure or power down in an HSL component between the local system or partition and the remote system or partition. Check for a problem with the following:

  • An HSL cable
  • The HSL I/O bridge
  • Power in an expansion I/O tower or unit on this loop

On the local system or partition, examine the Service Action Log (SAL) or serviceable event view. Look for HSL failures that occurred on the same HSL loop at approximately the same time as this error.

Examine the remote system or partition for problems. If the remote system or partition is powered on and IPL'd, examine the SAL or serviceable event view on the remote system or partition. Look for problems on the same HSL loop that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Correct any problems you find with the remote and local systems or partitions that happened at approximately the same time and involve HSL Opticonnect or HSL loop components or Network Interface Controllers.

When the remote system is IPL'd, it will automatically reconnect with this system or partition. If you find no problems with either the local or the remote systems or partitions, collect all the Product Activity Log (PAL) information for this failure on both systems. Be sure to record all words in the SRC. Contact your next level of support.

69C7 Platform LIC detected an error

Abnormal or unexpected HSL OptiConnect disconnection from a remote system or partition.

The local system or partition disconnected from a remote system or partition due to an unexpected event or failure. Licensed Internal Code will attempt to recover from the error. Intervention at the local or remote system or partition might be required.

Possible causes include time out, hang, or hardware failure. The problem may be with the local system or partition or the remote system or partition. If a complete HSL loop did not exist before this error occurred, the cause of this error might be a failure or power down in an HSL component between the local system or partition and the remote system or partition. Check for SRCs with FRUs that indicate problems with the following:

  • HSL cables
  • The HSL I/O bridge
  • Power in an expansion I/O tower or unit on this loop

On the local system or partition, examine the SAL or serviceable event view. Look for failures on the same loop or with the Network Interface Controller that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Examine the remote system or partition for problems. Correct any HSL or NIC problems you find with the remote and local systems or partitions. If you find no problems with either the local or the remote systems or partitions, collect all the PAL information for this failure on both systems. Be sure to record all words in the SRC. Contact your next level of support.

69C8 Platform LIC detected an error

Abnormal or unexpected HSL OptiConnect disconnection from a remote system or partition.

The local system or partition disconnected from a remote system or partition due to an unexpected event or failure. All of the HSL OptiConnect connections on this loop will be in a failed state. Licensed Internal Code will attempt to recover from the error. Intervention at the local or remote system or partition might be required. Possible causes are:

  • Time out of a critical message
  • Licensed Internal Code code / table problem
  • Network deadlock detected

The problem may be with:

  • The local system or partition
  • The remote system or partition

On the local system or partition, examine the SAL or serviceable event view. Look for HSL failures on the same HSL loop or with the Network Interface Controller that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Examine the remote system or partition for problems. On the remote system or partition, examine the SAL or serviceable event view. Look for problems on the same HSL loop or with the Network Interface Controller that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Correct any problems you find with the remote and local systems or partitions that happened at approximately the same time and involve HSL Opticonnect or HSL loop components or Network Interface Controllers.

If there are no problems with the remote system or partition and there are no problems with the local system or partition then collect all the Product Activity Log information for this failure on all systems or partitions. Be sure to record all words in the SRCs. Contact your next level of support.

69C9 Platform LIC detected an error

Abnormal or unexpected HSL OptiConnect disconnection from a remote system or partition.

The local system or partition disconnected from a remote system or partition due to an failure in a Licensed Internal Code virtualized bus unit. Licensed Internal Code will attempt to recover from the error. Possible causes are:

  • Licensed Internal Code problem where the local bus unit is offline.
  • Licensed Internal Code problem where the remote bus unit is offline.

On the local system or partition, examine the SAL or the serviceable event view. Look for HSL Opticonnect failures that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Examine the remote system or partition for problems. On the remote system or partition, examine the SAL or the serviceable event view. Look for HSL Opticonnect problems that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Collect all the Product Activity Log information for this failure on all systems and partitions on this HSL loop. Be sure to record all words in the SRCs. Contact your next level of support.

69CF Platform LIC detected an error

Abnormal or unexpected HSL OptiConnect disconnection from a remote system or partition.

Licensed Internal Code internal error. All systems participating in HSL OptiConnect will be disconnected. You must re-IPL the system to recover. Before re-IPL'ing the system, start a platform dump.

On the local system or partition, after getting the dump, examine the SAL or the serviceable event view. Look for HSL Opticonnect failures that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Examine the remote systems or partitions for problems. On the remote systems or partitions, examine the SAL or the serviceable event view. Look for HSL Opticonnect problems that occurred at approximately the same time as this error.

Collect all the PAL information for this failure on all systems and partitions on this HSL loop. Be sure to record all words in the SRCs. Contact your next level of support.

69E1 Host Channel Adapter

The 12X Host Channel Adapter has failed.

69E2 Platform LIC failure

A Platform Licensed Internal Code error occurred related to 12X technology. The system will continue to run with this Host Channel Adapter disabled. Perform a platform dump prior to IPLing the system. An IPL is required to recover the Host Channel Adapter.

69E3 System log entry only, no service action required

Part of the HCA chip failed but was not terminating. When thresholded, these errors will result in a B70069E1.

69E4 An invalid High Speed Link (HSL) configuration was detected

An error was detected in the fabric. Have the customer check for problems reported at the IBM Network Manager. This includes cases such as path migration, etc.

69E5 System log entry only, no service action required

A 12X communications error occurred. Unrecognized command from Subnet Manager. Does not require service.

69E6 System log entry only, no service action required

The cable connection to the switch is broken. Verify that the cable is connected and the switch is powered on. After repairing the problem, verify that the connection has been restored by using the IBM Network Manager. Does not require service.

69E7 System log entry only, no service action required

The cable connection to the switch has been restored. No service action required.

69E9 System log entry only, no service action required

Initial communication has occurred with the Subnet Manager. No service action required. The CEC and switch firmware are now communicating.

69EA System log entry only, no service action required

Reported when the logical switch receives a setPortInfo for the switch management port that sets a new SM LID. This indicates the point where DMA can report changes in switch port states to SM via a TRAP and also that SM has received and accepted out responses to the initial gets. This proves that there is 2-way communication. Note that this will also tell us when a subnet merge has occurred and a new SM has issued a setPortInfo with an SMLID that differs from the previous one. No service action required.

69EB User intervention required

A 12X configuration error was detected by the HCA. Verify that the configuration is correct at the HCA. The Port 1 and 2 configurations conflict.

69EC User intervention required

A 12X adapter in the server does not support connections to I/O enclosures.

Upgrade the adapter at the location given in the serviceable event view to a new version. Contact support for assistance.

69ED System log entry only, no service action required

A 12X cable connection initialized to a lower signal frequency. The link is operational but operating at a bandwidth below its rated capacity. This may lead to degraded I/O throughput.

BAD1 Platform firmware detected an error

Platform firmware detected unexpected or not valid data returned from non-platform firmware.

Contact your next level of support.

C2AC System log entry only, no service action required

The Capacity on Demand License acceptance has completed.

No corrective action is required.

F103 Platform LIC failure

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform LIC detected an internal problem.

Collect all the SRC words and the platform system dump, then contact your next level of support.

F104 Operating System error

Platform Licensed Internal Code terminated a partition.

If SRC word 3 is 0007, then a user may have initiated a function 22 prior to the operating system completing the IPL. If a function 22 was not performed, or if SRC word 3 is not 0007, look for other serviceable errors which occurred at same time frame.

F105 Platform LIC detected an error

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange.

The platform LIC detected an internal problem.

Collect all the SRC words and the platform system dump, then contact your next level of support.

F10A Platform LIC detected an error

Look for errors with SRCs of the form B1xx xxxx in the Serviceable Event View. Work those errors first. If that does not correct the problem, collect all the SRC words and the platform system dump, then contact your next level of support.

F10B A resource has been disabled due to hardware problems

Work with the FRU list in the serviceable event view if there is one, otherwise use the FRU list documented here to determine the parts to exchange. The platform detected a problem with a processor. The processor is not functional. Look in the Serviceable Event View for a B1xx xxxx error that implicates a processor. If the Serviceable Event View contains no B1xx xxxx error, or if resolving the error fails to correct the problem, contact your next level of support.

F120 Platform firmware detected an error

The platform is unable to support the requested architecture options requested by the operating system via ibm,client-architecture-support interface.

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