chdate command


Displays or changes the date, time, or time zone.


chdate [ mmddHHMM [YYyy | yy] ] [-timezone TZ]

chdate [-year YYyy] [-month mm] [-day dd] [-hour HH] [-minute MM] [-timezone TZ]


Displays or changes the system date, time, or time zone. Changes made to the time zone do not take effect until the user logs out. For the time zone to take effect for the entire system, the system must be rebooted. All flags are optional, and the current system time information is used if a flag was unspecified.

If no flags or arguments are specified, the chdate command displays the current date and time.

The mmddHHMM [YYyy | yy] parameters correspond to month, day, hour, minute, and optional 4 or 2-digit year.

Note: If you do not specify the first 2 digits of the year, values in the range 70 - 99 refer to the 20th century and values in the range 00 - 37 refer to the 21st century. If a 4-digit year is specified, the chdate command attempts to set the year to YYyy and fails for the values that are out of range (less than 1970 and greater than 2105). For years in the range 2038 - 2105, specify the year in the yyyy format.
Note: The user must have padmin authority to change the date and time.


Flag name Description
-year Sets the year to YYyy.
-month Sets the month to mm.
-day Sets the day to dd.
-hour Sets the hour to HH in 24-hour format.
-minute Sets the minute to MM.
-timezone Sets the time zone (for example, CST6CDT).

Exit Status

See Exit status for Virtual I/O Server commands.


  1. To display the current date and time, type:
  2. To change the date to Tue Oct 12 16:30:00 CDT 2004 for a system in the US Central time zone, type:
    chdate -day 12 -month 10 -year 2004 -hour 16 -minute 30 
    chdate 101216302004
Note: The user must have padmin authority to change the date and time.