Manage Virtual I/O Server Image Repository

As of HMC version 7.7, or later, you can store the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) images from a DVD, a saved image, or a Network Installation Management (NIM) server on the HMC. The stored VIOS images can be used for VIOS installation. You must be an HMC super administrator (hmcsuperadmin) to install the VIOS image.

About this task

To manage or to import the VIOS image repository, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation area, click Console Management, and then select Templates and OS Images.
  2. From the Templates and OS Images window, select the OS and VIOS Images tab, and then click Manage Virtual I/O Server Image Repository.
  3. In the Virtual I/O Server Image Repository window, click Import New Virtual I/O Server Image.
  4. In the Import New Virtual I/O Server Image window, choose to import the VIOS images from a DVD, USB device or from a file system.
    • To import VIOS images from a DVD to the HMC, complete the following steps:
      1. In the Import Virtual I/O Server Image window, select Management console DVD.
      2. In the Name field, enter the VIOS image name that you want to import from the DVD.
      3. Click OK.
    • To import VIOS images from an attached USB device to the HMC, complete the following steps:
      Note: The selected USB device must have the VIOS bootable image that is flashed on it.
      1. In the Import Virtual I/O Server Image window, select Management console USB.
      2. In the Name field, enter the VIOS image name that you want to import from the USB device.
      3. Select the USB Device from the list.
      4. Click OK.
    • To import VIOS images from a Network File System (NFS), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), complete the following steps:
      1. In the Import Virtual I/O Server Image window, select File System.
      2. Select Remote NFS Server, Remote FTP Server, or Remote SFTP Server.
      3. Enter the required details and click OK.