HMC Manual Reference Pages  - RSTVIOSBK (1)


rstviosbk - restore VIOS backup


See Also


rstviosbk -t {viosioconfig | ssp} -m managed-system
{-p VIOS-name | --id VIOS-ID | --uuid VIOS-UUID}
-f file [-r] [--help]


rstviosbk restores a Virtual I/O Server (VIOS) backup.


-t The type of VIOS backup to restore. Valid values are viosioconfig for a VIOS I/O configuration backup, and ssp for a Shared Storage Pool configuration backup.
-m The name of the managed system which has the VIOS on which to restore the backup. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
-p The name of the VIOS on which to restore the backup.

You can either use this option to specify the name of the VIOS, the --id option to specify the ID of the VIOS, or the --uuid option to specify the UUID of the VIOS. The -p, --id, and --uuid options are mutually exclusive.

--id The ID of the VIOS on which to restore the backup.

You can either use this option to specify the ID of the VIOS, the -p option to specify the name of the VIOS, or the --uuid option to specify the UUID of the VIOS. The --id, -p, and --uuid options are mutually exclusive.

--uuid The UUID of the VIOS on which to restore the backup.

You can either use this option to specify the UUID of the VIOS, the -p option to specify the name of the VIOS, or the --id option to specify the ID of the VIOS. The --uuid, -p, and --id options are mutually exclusive.

-f The name of the VIOS backup file to restore.
-r Specify this option to restart the VIOS if required.

A restart of the VIOS will be required if the restore of the backup fails. If this option is specifed, the HMC will restart the VIOS then try to restore the backup file again. If this option is not specified, you must restart the VIOS before attempting to restore the backup file again.

--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


Restore a VIOS I/O configuration backup for vios1:

rstviosbk -t viosioconfig -m sys1 -p vios1 -f vios1_io_backup

Restore a Shared Storage Pool configuration backup for the VIOS with ID 1 and restart the VIOS if required:

rstviosbk -t ssp -m sys1 --id 1 -f vios1_ssp1_backup -r






IBM Austin


chviosbk, cpviosbk, lsviosbk, mkviosbk, rmviosbk

Linux RSTVIOSBK (1) September 2021
Generated by manServer 1.07 from rstviosbk.1 using man macros.