Enabling PowerSC profile for the HMC

Learn how to enable PowerSC agent on the Hardware Management Console (HMC). You can apply and monitor the PowerSC profile from the HMC. The PowerSC Standard Edition product is delivered with HMC profiles along with the basic security hardening features.

Installing the PowerSC server

About this task

If you do not have the PowerSC server setup or the latest version of the PowerSC server, install the PowerSC server. For more information, see https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/powersc-standard

Enabling the PowerSC Agent

To enable the PowerSC agent, complete the following steps:


  1. Ensure that the incoming of IP addresses is allowed in Firewall Settings for the port 11125. In the HMC, open the firewall port 11125.
  2. Get the endpointTrustore.jks file from the powersc-uiServer. You can find the file in the PowerSC server in the following location:


    Use the getfile command to deploy it in the correct location in the HMC:

    getfile -t powersctrust -l s -f /etc/security/powersc/uiServer/endpointTruststore.jks -h <powerSc_server> -u <user>

  3. Start the powersc-uiAgent service with the chhmc command.
    chhmc -s enable -c powerscuiagent
  4. Log in to PowerSC server either from the GUI or ssh to complete the Generate Keystore operation. Click the Keystore Requests tab.
    1. From the UI Endpoint Admin page, click Settings > Endpoint > Keystore > Generate Keystore.
    2. Alternatively, you can use the following command to generate keystore: /opt/powersc/uiServer/bin/generate_endpoint_keystore_uiServer.sh <endpoint FQDN>
  5. Check whether the agent is enabled by running the following command:
    lshmc -r ssh=enable,sshprotocol=2,sshusedns=enable,remotewebui=enable,xntp=disable,xntpstatus=,xntpserver=,syslogserver=,syslogtcpserver=,syslogtlsserver=,altdiskboot=disable,ldap=disable,kerberos=disable,kerberos_default_realm=,kerberos_realm_kdc=,kerberos_clockskew=,kerberos_ticket_lifetime=,kpasswd_admin=,trace=,kerberos_keyfile_present=,security=legacy,sol=disabled,powerscuiagent=enabled
  6. Go to the powersc-uiServer system and select Endpoint admin under the settings icon. The HMC will show up under the Endpoints tab of the Endpoint admin page.

Disabling the PowerSC Agent

About this task

To disable the PowerSC agent service in the HMC, run the following command:

chhmc -s disable -c powerscuiagent


lshmc -r ssh=enable,sshprotocol=2,sshusedns=enable,remotewebui=enable,xntp=disable,xntpstatus=,xntpserver=,syslogserver=,syslogtcpserver=,syslogtlsserver=,altdiskboot=disable,ldap=disable,kerberos=disable,kerberos_default_realm=,kerberos_realm_kdc=,kerberos_clockskew=,kerberos_ticket_lifetime=,kpasswd_admin=,trace=,kerberos_keyfile_present=,security=legacy,sol=disabled,powerscuiagent=disabled